From: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email] Subject: [BUG]OrderedCollection(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #isExpanded here insert explanation of what you were doing, suspect changes you've made and so forth. 8 January 2010 5:03:26 pm VM: Mac OS - intel - 1062 - Squeak3.8.1 of '28 Aug 2006' [latest update: #6747] Squeak VM 4.2.2b1 Image: PharoCore1.1ALPHA [Latest update: #11140] SecurityManager state: Restricted: false FileAccess: true SocketAccess: true Working Dir /Users/ducasse/Workspace/FirstCircle/ActiveResearch/Pharo/Pharo Trusted Dir /foobar/tooBar/forSqueak/bogus Untrusted Dir /Users/ducasse/Library/Preferences/Squeak/Internet/My Squeak OrderedCollection(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #isExpanded Receiver: an OrderedCollection() Arguments and temporary variables: aMessage: isExpanded exception: MessageNotUnderstood: OrderedCollection>>isExpanded resumeValue: nil Receiver's instance variables: array: #(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil) firstIndex: 3 lastIndex: 2 MorphTreeMorph>>arrowEvent:key: Receiver: a MorphTreeMorph(2162) Arguments and temporary variables: event: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] aChar: Character arrowLeft Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 158@83 corner: 983@493 owner: a StandardWindow(327) submorphs: an Array(a ScrollBar(2051) a ScrollBar(3416) a MorphTreeResizerMorph...etc... fullBounds: 158@83 corner: 983@493 color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905) extension: a MorphExtension (2001) [locked] [eventHandler = an EventHandler re...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.833 b: 0.833) model: a SystemSettingBrowser slotName: nil open: false scrollBar: a ScrollBar(3416) scroller: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(2266) retractableScrollBar: false scrollBarOnLeft: false getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted: getMenuTitleSelector: nil hasFocus: false hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(2051) getListSelector: #roots setSelectionSelector: #selection: keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from: autoDeselect: nil columns: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeColumn a MorphTreeColumn) sortingSelector: nil potentialDropMorph: nil lineColor: nil hCellInset: 4 vCellInset: 6 columnResizers: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(3427)) withHLines: false preferedPaneColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905) indentGap: 20 expandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(819) notExpandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(3926) resizerWidth: 4 gapAfterIcon: 4 gapAfterToggle: 5 hasToggleAtRoot: true scrollDeltaHeight: 20 getSelectionSelector: #selection topHeader: a Morph(1797) topHeaderBackground: Color transparent unboundLastColumn: true columnDropUnabled: nil iconReservedExtent: 16@16 columnColors: #(nil nil) rowColors: {(Color r: 0.941 g: 0.941 b: 0.941). nil} allowsMultipleSelection: nil selectedMorphList: an OrderedCollection() lastSelectedMorph: nil doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick MorphTreeMorph>>keyStroke: Receiver: a MorphTreeMorph(2162) Arguments and temporary variables: event: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] aCharacter: Character arrowLeft args: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 158@83 corner: 983@493 owner: a StandardWindow(327) submorphs: an Array(a ScrollBar(2051) a ScrollBar(3416) a MorphTreeResizerMorph...etc... fullBounds: 158@83 corner: 983@493 color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905) extension: a MorphExtension (2001) [locked] [eventHandler = an EventHandler re...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.833 b: 0.833) model: a SystemSettingBrowser slotName: nil open: false scrollBar: a ScrollBar(3416) scroller: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(2266) retractableScrollBar: false scrollBarOnLeft: false getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted: getMenuTitleSelector: nil hasFocus: false hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(2051) getListSelector: #roots setSelectionSelector: #selection: keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from: autoDeselect: nil columns: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeColumn a MorphTreeColumn) sortingSelector: nil potentialDropMorph: nil lineColor: nil hCellInset: 4 vCellInset: 6 columnResizers: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(3427)) withHLines: false preferedPaneColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905) indentGap: 20 expandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(819) notExpandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(3926) resizerWidth: 4 gapAfterIcon: 4 gapAfterToggle: 5 hasToggleAtRoot: true scrollDeltaHeight: 20 getSelectionSelector: #selection topHeader: a Morph(1797) topHeaderBackground: Color transparent unboundLastColumn: true columnDropUnabled: nil iconReservedExtent: 16@16 columnColors: #(nil nil) rowColors: {(Color r: 0.941 g: 0.941 b: 0.941). nil} allowsMultipleSelection: nil selectedMorphList: an OrderedCollection() lastSelectedMorph: nil doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick MorphTreeMorph(Morph)>>handleKeystroke: Receiver: a MorphTreeMorph(2162) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 158@83 corner: 983@493 owner: a StandardWindow(327) submorphs: an Array(a ScrollBar(2051) a ScrollBar(3416) a MorphTreeResizerMorph...etc... fullBounds: 158@83 corner: 983@493 color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905) extension: a MorphExtension (2001) [locked] [eventHandler = an EventHandler re...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.833 b: 0.833) model: a SystemSettingBrowser slotName: nil open: false scrollBar: a ScrollBar(3416) scroller: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(2266) retractableScrollBar: false scrollBarOnLeft: false getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted: getMenuTitleSelector: nil hasFocus: false hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(2051) getListSelector: #roots setSelectionSelector: #selection: keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from: autoDeselect: nil columns: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeColumn a MorphTreeColumn) sortingSelector: nil potentialDropMorph: nil lineColor: nil hCellInset: 4 vCellInset: 6 columnResizers: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(3427)) withHLines: false preferedPaneColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905) indentGap: 20 expandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(819) notExpandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(3926) resizerWidth: 4 gapAfterIcon: 4 gapAfterToggle: 5 hasToggleAtRoot: true scrollDeltaHeight: 20 getSelectionSelector: #selection topHeader: a Morph(1797) topHeaderBackground: Color transparent unboundLastColumn: true columnDropUnabled: nil iconReservedExtent: 16@16 columnColors: #(nil nil) rowColors: {(Color r: 0.941 g: 0.941 b: 0.941). nil} allowsMultipleSelection: nil selectedMorphList: an OrderedCollection() lastSelectedMorph: nil doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick KeyboardEvent>>sentTo: Receiver: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] Arguments and temporary variables: anObject: a MorphTreeMorph(2162) Receiver's instance variables: timeStamp: 46420 source: a HandMorph(3216) windowIndex: nil type: #keystroke buttons: 16 position: 301@389 handler: nil wasHandled: true keyValue: 28 charCode: 28 scanCode: 123 MorphTreeMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: Receiver: a MorphTreeMorph(2162) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 158@83 corner: 983@493 owner: a StandardWindow(327) submorphs: an Array(a ScrollBar(2051) a ScrollBar(3416) a MorphTreeResizerMorph...etc... fullBounds: 158@83 corner: 983@493 color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905) extension: a MorphExtension (2001) [locked] [eventHandler = an EventHandler re...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.833 b: 0.833) model: a SystemSettingBrowser slotName: nil open: false scrollBar: a ScrollBar(3416) scroller: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(2266) retractableScrollBar: false scrollBarOnLeft: false getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted: getMenuTitleSelector: nil hasFocus: false hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(2051) getListSelector: #roots setSelectionSelector: #selection: keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from: autoDeselect: nil columns: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeColumn a MorphTreeColumn) sortingSelector: nil potentialDropMorph: nil lineColor: nil hCellInset: 4 vCellInset: 6 columnResizers: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(3427)) withHLines: false preferedPaneColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905) indentGap: 20 expandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(819) notExpandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(3926) resizerWidth: 4 gapAfterIcon: 4 gapAfterToggle: 5 hasToggleAtRoot: true scrollDeltaHeight: 20 getSelectionSelector: #selection topHeader: a Morph(1797) topHeaderBackground: Color transparent unboundLastColumn: true columnDropUnabled: nil iconReservedExtent: 16@16 columnColors: #(nil nil) rowColors: {(Color r: 0.941 g: 0.941 b: 0.941). nil} allowsMultipleSelection: nil selectedMorphList: an OrderedCollection() lastSelectedMorph: nil doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick MorphTreeMorph(Morph)>>handleFocusEvent: Receiver: a MorphTreeMorph(2162) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 158@83 corner: 983@493 owner: a StandardWindow(327) submorphs: an Array(a ScrollBar(2051) a ScrollBar(3416) a MorphTreeResizerMorph...etc... fullBounds: 158@83 corner: 983@493 color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905) extension: a MorphExtension (2001) [locked] [eventHandler = an EventHandler re...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.833 b: 0.833) model: a SystemSettingBrowser slotName: nil open: false scrollBar: a ScrollBar(3416) scroller: a MorphTreeTransformMorph(2266) retractableScrollBar: false scrollBarOnLeft: false getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted: getMenuTitleSelector: nil hasFocus: false hScrollBar: a ScrollBar(2051) getListSelector: #roots setSelectionSelector: #selection: keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from: autoDeselect: nil columns: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeColumn a MorphTreeColumn) sortingSelector: nil potentialDropMorph: nil lineColor: nil hCellInset: 4 vCellInset: 6 columnResizers: an OrderedCollection(a MorphTreeResizerMorph(3427)) withHLines: false preferedPaneColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.905 b: 0.905) indentGap: 20 expandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(819) notExpandedToggleImage: an ImageMorph(3926) resizerWidth: 4 gapAfterIcon: 4 gapAfterToggle: 5 hasToggleAtRoot: true scrollDeltaHeight: 20 getSelectionSelector: #selection topHeader: a Morph(1797) topHeaderBackground: Color transparent unboundLastColumn: true columnDropUnabled: nil iconReservedExtent: 16@16 columnColors: #(nil nil) rowColors: {(Color r: 0.941 g: 0.941 b: 0.941). nil} allowsMultipleSelection: nil selectedMorphList: an OrderedCollection() lastSelectedMorph: nil doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick [] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: Receiver: a HandMorph(3216) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] focusHolder: a MorphTreeMorph(2162) result: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 739@485 corner: 755@501 owner: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: 739@485 corner: 755@501 color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (539) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [739@485 739@485 mouseMove 95661 nil] targetOffset: 39@2 damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil userInitials: '' lastEventBuffer: #(1 95661 739 485 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 36 combinedChar: nil [] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [closure] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 1152@822 owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(3095) a SystemWindow(1225) a StandardWindow(...etc... fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 1152@822 color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) extension: a MorphExtension (2543) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [other: (...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) model: a MorphicModel(1926) cursor: 1 padding: 3 backgroundMorph: nil isPartsBin: nil autoLineLayout: false indicateCursor: nil resizeToFit: nil worldState: a WorldState griddingOn: nil BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: [closure] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: Arguments and temporary variables: exception: Error handlerAction: [closure] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: handlerActive: false Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: startpc: 67 numArgs: 0 PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [closure] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: priorWorld: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] priorHand: a HandMorph(3216) priorEvent: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 1152@822 owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(3095) a SystemWindow(1225) a StandardWindow(...etc... fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 1152@822 color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) extension: a MorphExtension (2543) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [other: (...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) model: a MorphicModel(1926) cursor: 1 padding: 3 backgroundMorph: nil isPartsBin: nil autoLineLayout: false indicateCursor: nil resizeToFit: nil worldState: a WorldState griddingOn: nil HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: Receiver: a HandMorph(3216) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] focusHolder: a MorphTreeMorph(2162) aBlock: [closure] in HandMorph>>sendKeyboardEvent: w: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] result: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 739@485 corner: 755@501 owner: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: 739@485 corner: 755@501 color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (539) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [739@485 739@485 mouseMove 95661 nil] targetOffset: 39@2 damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil userInitials: '' lastEventBuffer: #(1 95661 739 485 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 36 combinedChar: nil HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: Receiver: a HandMorph(3216) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] focusHolder: a MorphTreeMorph(2162) aBlock: [closure] in HandMorph>>sendKeyboardEvent: result: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 739@485 corner: 755@501 owner: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: 739@485 corner: 755@501 color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (539) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [739@485 739@485 mouseMove 95661 nil] targetOffset: 39@2 damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil userInitials: '' lastEventBuffer: #(1 95661 739 485 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 36 combinedChar: nil HandMorph>>sendKeyboardEvent: Receiver: a HandMorph(3216) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 739@485 corner: 755@501 owner: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: 739@485 corner: 755@501 color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (539) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [739@485 739@485 mouseMove 95661 nil] targetOffset: 39@2 damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil userInitials: '' lastEventBuffer: #(1 95661 739 485 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 36 combinedChar: nil HandMorph>>handleEvent: Receiver: a HandMorph(3216) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] evt: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] ofs: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 739@485 corner: 755@501 owner: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: 739@485 corner: 755@501 color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (539) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [739@485 739@485 mouseMove 95661 nil] targetOffset: 39@2 damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil userInitials: '' lastEventBuffer: #(1 95661 739 485 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 36 combinedChar: nil HandMorph>>processEvents Receiver: a HandMorph(3216) Arguments and temporary variables: evt: [keystroke '<Ctrl-left>'] evtBuf: #(2 46420 28 0 2 28 0 1) type: 2 hadAny: true Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 739@485 corner: 755@501 owner: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: 739@485 corner: 755@501 color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (539) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [739@485 739@485 mouseMove 95661 nil] targetOffset: 39@2 damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil userInitials: '' lastEventBuffer: #(1 95661 739 485 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 36 combinedChar: nil [] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Receiver: a WorldState Arguments and temporary variables: h: a HandMorph(3216) Receiver's instance variables: hands: an Array(a HandMorph(3216)) viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1152@822 canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(1152x822x32) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an EditableDropListMorph(3883))(an Edi...etc... lastStepTime: 97308 lastStepMessage: nil lastCycleTime: 97274 commandHistory: a CommandHistory alarms: a Heap() lastAlarmTime: 97308 Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: Receiver: an Array(a HandMorph(3216)) Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [closure] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: index: 1 indexLimiT: 1 Receiver's instance variables: an Array(a HandMorph(3216)) WorldState>>handsDo: Receiver: a WorldState Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [closure] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Receiver's instance variables: hands: an Array(a HandMorph(3216)) viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1152@822 canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(1152x822x32) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an EditableDropListMorph(3883))(an Edi...etc... lastStepTime: 97308 lastStepMessage: nil lastCycleTime: 97274 commandHistory: a CommandHistory alarms: a Heap() lastAlarmTime: 97308 WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Receiver: a WorldState Arguments and temporary variables: aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] Receiver's instance variables: hands: an Array(a HandMorph(3216)) viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1152@822 canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(1152x822x32) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an EditableDropListMorph(3883))(an Edi...etc... lastStepTime: 97308 lastStepMessage: nil lastCycleTime: 97274 commandHistory: a CommandHistory alarms: a Heap() lastAlarmTime: 97308 WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: Receiver: a WorldState Arguments and temporary variables: aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] Receiver's instance variables: hands: an Array(a HandMorph(3216)) viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1152@822 canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(1152x822x32) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an EditableDropListMorph(3883))(an Edi...etc... lastStepTime: 97308 lastStepMessage: nil lastCycleTime: 97274 commandHistory: a CommandHistory alarms: a Heap() lastAlarmTime: 97308 PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(1622) [world] Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 1152@822 owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(3095) a SystemWindow(1225) a StandardWindow(...etc... fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 1152@822 color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) extension: a MorphExtension (2543) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [other: (...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) model: a MorphicModel(1926) cursor: 1 padding: 3 backgroundMorph: nil isPartsBin: nil autoLineLayout: false indicateCursor: nil resizeToFit: nil worldState: a WorldState griddingOn: nil [] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess Receiver: Project Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: superclass: Model methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#changeSet->(Project>>#changeSet "a CompiledMeth...etc... format: 170 instanceVariables: #('world' 'changeSet' 'transcript' 'parentProject' 'previous...etc... organization: ('*Polymorph-Widgets' createTaskbarIfNecessary moveCollapsedWindo...etc... subclasses: nil name: #Project classPool: a Dictionary(#AllProjects->an OrderedCollection(a Project) #CurrentP...etc... sharedPools: nil environment: Smalltalk category: #'System-Support' traitComposition: {} localSelectors: nil [] in BlockClosure>>newProcess Receiver: [closure] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: Project class>>spawnNewProcess startpc: 53 numArgs: 0 --- The full stack --- OrderedCollection(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #isExpanded MorphTreeMorph>>arrowEvent:key: MorphTreeMorph>>keyStroke: MorphTreeMorph(Morph)>>handleKeystroke: KeyboardEvent>>sentTo: MorphTreeMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: MorphTreeMorph(Morph)>>handleFocusEvent: [] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: [] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: BlockClosure>>on:do: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: HandMorph>>sendKeyboardEvent: HandMorph>>handleEvent: HandMorph>>processEvents [] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: WorldState>>handsDo: WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle [] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess [] in BlockClosure>>newProcess _______________________________________________ Pharo-project mailing list [hidden email] |
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