On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 7:08 PM, Denis Kudriashov <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Ben.
> 2016-10-03 12:37 GMT+02:00 Ben Coman <
[hidden email]>:
>> A further curiousity occurs to me. With this being executed 20 times
>> a second or more, how can the active hand ever be anything other than
>> the primary hand?
>> Why isn't the active hand stored, all hands cycled through processing
>> events, then the active hand restored??
> Previous version of method was also with nil at the end:
> self handsDo: [:h |
> ActiveHand := h.
> h processEvents.
> ActiveHand := nil
> ].
> Could you try your test on previous version of Pharo?
It happens in...
* 60246 - MNU #releaseKeyboardFocus: in GLMPagerPanePreviewMorph(Morph)>>delete
up stack from GTGenericStackDebugger>>updateBrowser
* 50760 - MNU #releaseKeyboardFocus: in GLMPagerPanePreviewMorph(Morph)>>delete
up stack from GTGenericStackDebugger>>updateBrowser
* 40626 - MNU #newKeyboardFocus: in NewList(Morph)>>takeKEyboardFocus
up stack from SpecDebugger>> updateReceiverInspectorFromContext:
Must just be a rarely-debugged corner of the system.
cheers -ben