2 days left to submit your software to the ESUG Innovation Technology Awards

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2 days left to submit your software to the ESUG Innovation Technology Awards

Noury Bouraqadi-2
Submit your project and show all the cool things enabled by Smalltalk :-)

Begin forwarded message:

From: "N. Bouraqadi" <[hidden email]>
Subject: ESUG Innovation Technology Awards Call for submissions
Date: 9 July 2019 at 16:08:49 CEST
To: Board ESUG <[hidden email]>, Any question about pharo is welcome <[hidden email]>

Dear Smalltalkers,

Developers are invited to submit their Smalltalk-related project to the 16th edition of the ESUG Innovation Technology Awards.

The top 3 teams with the most innovative software will receive, respectively, 500 Euros, 300 Euros and 200 Euros. 

Submit now! 

Instructions are available at: https://esug.github.io/2019-Conference/awardsCall2019.html
