2 possible bugs

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2 possible bugs

Jochen Riekhof
I purchased Dolphin last week and have much fun with it (unfortunately only
in my spare time for now).
However I think I found two bugs:

1. When in the SystemBrowser I set a default package and create a new class,
it obviously contains no methods at first. In this state, unfortunately the
workspace area as well as the Method/new menuentry are disabled, so I can't
add any methods.
Nothing but closing the Browsert and open a new one helps. I think this
does not happen in the Class Browser, but I use it rarely for creating new

2. When dragging a class to a different location in the Class hierarchy
(i.e. changing the superclass), and something goes wrong (I think remaining
instances in some workspace-vars), the system is in an inconsistent state
and crashes shortly thereafter. Anyway, I learned to save my image and
packages often this way ;-)



BTW: Is there any date announced when the new XP doocumentation is online?

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Re: 2 possible bugs

Bill Dargel
I'll corroborate one of your reported bugs, and show a way to reproduce
something that is at least indicative of the problem...

Jochen Riekhof wrote:

> 1. When in the SystemBrowser I set a default package and create a new class,
> it obviously contains no methods at first. In this state, unfortunately the
> workspace area as well as the Method/new menuentry are disabled, so I can't
> add any methods.
> Nothing but closing the Browsert and open a new one helps. I think this
> does not happen in the Class Browser, but I use it rarely for creating new
> classes.

I've noticed this same behavior now and then. I've managed to work around it by
selecting another class and method, to get the method source pane into a
non-readonly state, then going back to my recently created class to create its
first method.

It was irritating each time it happened, but I never really took any time to
look into it until now. :-)

I don't have my usual image around, so I fired up a fresh image and went wild
creating classes trying to reproduce the problem. Of course I couldn't get it to
happen. :-(
I was suspecting the Source Tracking System that I have in my usual image, but I
finally got the fresh image to have the Method New not working.

After much playing around, I came up with a reproducible scenario. Doesn't even
require the creation of any new classes. Because of that, it doesn't show
exactly the same problem, but I think it's close enough for someone to perhaps
locate a problem with the enable code? In particular, when I ran into the
problem in the wild, I don't think I was showing inherited methods, but it sure
makes it easy to get the method source view into a readonly state. There's
perhaps some other times it might become readonly when creating new classes?

Starting with a fresh 5.0.1 Pro image:

-Open System Browser
-Menu: Method | Show Inherited Methods
-Select Package "ActiveX Automation"
-Select Class ARRAYDESC
-Select Method "_deepCopy:"
-Select Package "ActiveX Categories"
-Select Class "CATEGORYINFO"
-Select "Method source" tab

At this point the Method source is readonly and Menu: Method | New doesn't work.
(Pretend it's a new class and there aren't any methods in the method list to
select. Once you select any existing method, the New Method menu/toolbar then


Bill Dargel            [hidden email]
Shoshana Technologies
100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105  USA