[3.0] Password field

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[3.0] Password field

Dean Powell-2

I have a small app that needs to implement a password field (that is,
when you type letters into a text box, '*' appears instead of the
letters you typed.  The value returned from the text box, however,
contains the actual string as typed in at the keyboard).  I have looked,
admittedly very briefly, for a way to do this with Dolphin 3.0, but
can't find an obvious way.

Does Dolphin 3.0 support password fields?  Hopefully, I haven't missed
an obvious cue...

Thanks in advance.

Dean Powell
Edmonton, Canada

Sent via Deja.com

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Re: [3.0] Password field

Ian Bartholomew

> Does Dolphin 3.0 support password fields?  Hopefully, I haven't missed
> an obvious cue...

Dolphin 4 supports password fields "out of the box" - one more reason to
upgrade <g>

They can be added to D3 in a number of way but the easiest, i.e. doesn't
involve creating any resources, is to just change the style of the TextEdit
at run time to include ES_PASSWORD (32)

p := TextPresenter show.
p view baseStyleMask: 32 set: true.

Each character entered is displayed as an asterisk but getting the value, as
below, results in the actual text

p value
