The following is an example of tripple DES in CBC mode using block padding which is most likely what you want, but there are possible combinations of modes and paddings in case this doesn't fit your needs.
Security.DES newBP_3EDE_CBC
setIV: #[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] copy; "IV isn't secret, but should be unpredictable, usually randomly generated"
setKey: (ByteArray withAll: (1 to: 24)); "this is the secret key, must be 24 bytes for 3DES"
encrypt: 'Message in a Bottle' asByteArray
Joachim Geidel wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a free implementation of the 3DES algorithm available for
> VisualWorks? I am aware of the DES implementation which is included in
> the VW distribution, and a 3DES implementation for Squeak, but haven't
> found 3DES for VisualWorks so far.
> Thanks in advance,
> Joachim Geidel