501 status error msg found in Server console

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501 status error msg found in Server console

I noticed that there is a 501 status error found in the Server console when I opened the web page from the client GUI. Based on the definition of the status error, it says that the server does not recognize the request method and is not capable of supporting it for any resource.
1. How can I debug to see what is the cause of this 501 error?
2. What are the possible fixes to resolve this issue?
Hope you can shed some light to my questions. Thanks!!!

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Re: 501 status error msg found in Server console

Holger Kleinsorgen
jhoconer wrote
I noticed that there is a 501 status error found in the Server console when
I opened the web page from the client GUI. Based on the definition of the
status error, it says that the server does not recognize the request method
and is not capable of supporting it for any resource.

1. How can I debug to see what is the cause of this 501 error?
Just a guess: when the Web Toolkit server receives HTTPS requests, it will log a 501 status error