Next up, trying to generate code for an assembly, go through all the
steps in the code generator, let it remove things that it wants to remove: TYPE CHECK OF ASSEMBLY: InteropRANGERLib v1.0.0.0 CREATED: March 5, 2006 16:10:28.245 ITEMS KEPT: 259 ITEMS REMOVED: 19 TYPES KEPT: 24 TYPES ENTIRELY REMOVED: 1 METHODS KEPT: 235 CONSTRUCTORS: 19 PROPERTIES: 0 OTHERS: 215 METHODS REMOVED: 18 CONSTRUCTORS: 0 PROPERTIES: 0 OTHERS: 0 ----ENTIRELY REMOVED TYPES---START--- 1. RangerClass The basetype (System.__ComObject) is not available in VW ----ENTIRELY REMOVED TYPES---END--- ----REMOVED METHODS---START--- 1. _DRangerEvents_Event EVENTS: 1 Event TransportSetItemOutput Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 2 Event TransportChangeOptionsState Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 3 Event TransportTrackIsClear Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 4 Event TransportShuttingDownState Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 5 Event TransportReadyToFeedState Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 6 Event TransportItemSuspended Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 7 Event TransportEnablingOptionsState Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 8 Event TransportStartingUpState Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 9 Event TransportExceptionComplete Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 10 Event TransportFeedingState Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 11 Event TransportInExceptionState Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 12 Event TransportItemInPocket Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 13 Event TransportPassthroughEvent Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 14 Event TransportIsDead Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 15 Event TransportShutDownState Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 16 Event TransportNewItem Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 17 Event TransportFeedingStopped Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs 18 Event TransportOverrideOptions Event handler must have two parameter: the event source and the EventArgs ----REMOVED METHODS---END--- and try to generate code, Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #wrapFunctionName DotNETUtils.ByReferenceParameterDescription(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: DotNETUtils.ByReferenceParameterDescription(DotNETUtils.ParameterDescription)>>writeCallbackWrappingTo:index: optimized [] in DotNETUtils.DelegateConstructorDescription>>generateDelegateClassTo: optimized [] in OrderedCollection>>collect: OrderedCollection>>do: OrderedCollection>>collect: DotNETUtils.DelegateConstructorDescription>>generateDelegateClassTo: DotNETUtils.DelegateConstructorDescription>>writeCppMethodTo:forClass: optimized [] in DotNETUtils.TypeDescription>>writeCppMethodsTo:forClass: SortedCollection(OrderedCollection)>>do: DotNETUtils.TypeDescription>>writeCppMethodsTo:forClass: optimized [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator>>writeClassMethodsTo: SortedCollection(OrderedCollection)>>do: DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator>>writeClassMethodsTo: DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator>>writeClassSource: DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator>>writeSourceFiles DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator>>generateCode DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCppSourceCode optimized [] in [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCode optimized [] in [] in Notice class>>show:while: BlockClosure>>ensure: Cursor>>showWhile: optimized [] in Notice class>>show:while: BlockClosure>>ensure: Notice class>>show:while: optimized [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCode BlockClosure>>on:do: DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCode DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard(RuntimePackager.RuntimeBuilderUI)>>doThisStepPushed optimized [] in ApplicationModel>>actionFor: optimized [] in ActionButtonSpec>>typeConvert: PluggableAdaptor>>setValue: PluggableAdaptor(ValueModel)>>value: WinXPTriggerButtonController(TriggerButtonController)>>pressAction TriggerButtonTracker(BasicButtonTracker)>>finishSelectionFor: TriggerButtonTracker>>finishSelectionFor: TriggerButtonTracker(SelectionTracker)>>redButtonReleasedEvent: RedButtonReleasedEvent>>dispatchTo: TriggerButtonTracker(SelectionTracker)>>handleEvent: EventDispatcher>>dispatch:to: EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent: RedButtonReleasedEvent(Event)>>dispatch RedButtonReleasedEvent(Event)>>dispatchForWindowManager: optimized [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: BlockClosure>>on:do: WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: WindowManager>>processNextEvent optimized [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess BlockClosure>>on:do: optimized [] in WindowManager>>newProcess BlockClosure>>on:do: optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DotNETUtils.ByReferenceParameterDescription(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: Receiver: a DotNETUtils.ByReferenceParameterDescription Instance Variables: type = System.Int32 CancelDefaultResponse name = 'CancelDefaultResponse' argumentName = 'arg3' referenceType = #in Arguments: aMessage = a Message with selector: #wrapFunctionName and arguments: #() Temporaries: excpt = a MessageNotUnderstood resumeValue = nil Context PC = 25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DotNETUtils.ByReferenceParameterDescription(DotNETUtils.ParameterDescription)>>writeCallbackWrappingTo:index: Receiver: a DotNETUtils.ByReferenceParameterDescription Instance Variables: type = System.Int32 CancelDefaultResponse name = 'CancelDefaultResponse' argumentName = 'arg3' referenceType = #in Arguments: aStream = an ExternalWriteStream on 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL\InteropRANGERLibProxy_class.cpp' index = 3 Temporaries: args = an Array[5] Context PC = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in DotNETUtils.DelegateConstructorDescription>>generateDelegateClassTo: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: param = System.Int32 CancelDefaultResponse Temporaries: i = 3 .sourceFile = an ExternalWriteStream on 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL\InteropRANGERLibProxy_class.cpp' Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in OrderedCollection>>collect: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: each = System.Int32 CancelDefaultResponse Temporaries: .newCollection = an OrderedCollection[2] .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in DotNETUtils.DelegateConstructorDescription>>generateDelegateClassTo: Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OrderedCollection>>do: Receiver: an OrderedCollection Instance Variables: firstIndex = 1 lastIndex = 3 Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in OrderedCollection>>collect: Temporaries: index = 3 Context PC = 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OrderedCollection>>collect: Receiver: an OrderedCollection Instance Variables: firstIndex = 1 lastIndex = 3 Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in DotNETUtils.DelegateConstructorDescription>>generateDelegateClassTo: Temporaries: newCollection = an OrderedCollection[2] Context PC = 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DotNETUtils.DelegateConstructorDescription>>generateDelegateClassTo: Receiver: a DotNETUtils.DelegateConstructorDescription Instance Variables: name = '_DRangerEvents_TransportPassthroughEventEventHandler' ignoreCodeGeneration = nil definingClass = RANGERLib._DRangerEvents_TransportPassthroughEventEventHandler returnType = a DotNETUtils.ClassReturnType stubName = '_DRangerEvents_TransportPassthroughEventEventHandler_New' parameter = an OrderedCollection[2] Arguments: sourceFile = an ExternalWriteStream on 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL\InteropRANGERLibProxy_class.cpp' Temporaries: invoke = System.Void Invoke (System.String EventName, System.String Args, in ref System.Int32 CancelDefaultResponse&) templateValues = an Array[5] functionPointer = System.IntPtr method term = a WriteStream retString = nil i = 3 params = nil conversion = nil resultName = nil Context PC = 95 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DotNETUtils.DelegateConstructorDescription>>writeCppMethodTo:forClass: Receiver: a DotNETUtils.DelegateConstructorDescription Instance Variables: name = '_DRangerEvents_TransportPassthroughEventEventHandler' ignoreCodeGeneration = nil definingClass = RANGERLib._DRangerEvents_TransportPassthroughEventEventHandler returnType = a DotNETUtils.ClassReturnType stubName = '_DRangerEvents_TransportPassthroughEventEventHandler_New' parameter = an OrderedCollection[2] Arguments: sourceFile = an ExternalWriteStream on 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL\InteropRANGERLibProxy_class.cpp' netClassName = 'InteropRANGERLibProxy' Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in DotNETUtils.TypeDescription>>writeCppMethodsTo:forClass: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: aConstructorDescription = _DRangerEvents_TransportPassthroughEventEventHandler (System.IntPtr method) Temporaries: .sourceFile = an ExternalWriteStream on 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL\InteropRANGERLibProxy_class.cpp' .netClassName = 'InteropRANGERLibProxy' Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SortedCollection(OrderedCollection)>>do: Receiver: a SortedCollection Instance Variables: firstIndex = 1 lastIndex = 1 sortBlock = BlockClosure [] in DotNETUtils.TypeDescription>>constructorMembers Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in DotNETUtils.TypeDescription>>writeCppMethodsTo:forClass: Temporaries: index = 1 Context PC = 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DotNETUtils.TypeDescription>>writeCppMethodsTo:forClass: Receiver: a DotNETUtils.TypeDescription Instance Variables: name = DotNET Type RANGERLib._DRangerEvents_TransportPassthroughEventEventHandler basetype = 'System.MulticastDelegate' methods = a Dictionary[1] properties = a Dictionary[0] constructors = a Dictionary[1] isAbstract = false type = #class isIgnored = false events = a Dictionary[0] Arguments: sourceFile = an ExternalWriteStream on 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL\InteropRANGERLibProxy_class.cpp' netClassName = 'InteropRANGERLibProxy' Context PC = 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator>>writeClassMethodsTo: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: aTypeDescription = RANGERLib._DRangerEvents_TransportPassthroughEventEventHandler Temporaries: .sourceFile = an ExternalWriteStream on 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL\InteropRANGERLibProxy_class.cpp' .self = a DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SortedCollection(OrderedCollection)>>do: Receiver: a SortedCollection Instance Variables: firstIndex = 1 lastIndex = 24 sortBlock = BlockClosure [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator>>writeClassMethodsTo: Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator>>writeClassMethodsTo: Temporaries: index = 18 Context PC = 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator>>writeClassMethodsTo: Receiver: a DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator Instance Variables: description = an AssemblyDescription for InteropRANGERLib sourceLocation = 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL' libraryLocation = 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\bin\win' assemblyNamespaces = a Set[1] netClassName = 'InteropRANGERLibProxy' Arguments: sourceFile = an ExternalWriteStream on 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL\InteropRANGERLibProxy_class.cpp' Context PC = 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator>>writeClassSource: Receiver: a DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator Instance Variables: description = an AssemblyDescription for InteropRANGERLib sourceLocation = 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL' libraryLocation = 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\bin\win' assemblyNamespaces = a Set[1] netClassName = 'InteropRANGERLibProxy' Arguments: sourceFile = an ExternalWriteStream on 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL\InteropRANGERLibProxy_class.cpp' Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator>>writeSourceFiles Receiver: a DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator Instance Variables: description = an AssemblyDescription for InteropRANGERLib sourceLocation = 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL' libraryLocation = 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\bin\win' assemblyNamespaces = a Set[1] netClassName = 'InteropRANGERLibProxy' Temporaries: sourceFile = an ExternalWriteStream on 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL\InteropRANGERLibProxy_class.cpp' Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator>>generateCode Receiver: a DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator Instance Variables: description = an AssemblyDescription for InteropRANGERLib sourceLocation = 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\ranger\Sources-DLL' libraryLocation = 'c:\VisualWorks\7.4\bin\win' assemblyNamespaces = a Set[1] netClassName = 'InteropRANGERLibProxy' Context PC = 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCppSourceCode Receiver: a DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard Instance Variables: dependents = an ApplicationWindow 1418 builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = a ControlManager eventHandlers = nil stepTitle = a ValueHolder on: Text for 'Generate Code' stepDescription = a ValueHolder on: 'In this step the c-source code for the proxy and the smalltalk source code for the stubs needed to access the .NET assembly are generated. After the source code generation finished you have to compile the c source code. Open a shell in which the .NET environment variables are set, switch to the c source code directory and execute nmake on the generated makefile. Copy the resulting dll to your image directory. File in the generated smalltalk code from your smalltalk source code directory.' currentStepNumber = 5 options = a RuntimePackager.RuntimeBuilderOptions keptItems = a RuntimePackager.RuntimeBuilderItems tester = nil paramFilename = a NTFSFilename('params.rtp') memoryParams = a RuntimePackager.RuntimeBuilderMemoryParams reviewDone = nil itemsDone = nil scanDone = nil testDone = nil memoryDone = nil optionsDone = nil cleanupDone = nil saveParcelsDone = nil interactWithUser = true changeSettingsDone = a ValueHolder on: true reviewKeptDeletedDone = a ValueHolder on: true generateCodeDone = a ValueHolder on: false checkTypesDone = a ValueHolder on: true settings = a DotNETUtils.CreationSettings keptDeleted = a DotNETUtils.DotNETKeptItems Temporaries: genarator = a DotNETUtils.DotNETDLLCodeGenerator Context PC = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCode Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard Context PC = 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in [] in Notice class>>show:while: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCode result = an UIBuilder babyWindow = an ApplicationWindow 4865 babyWindowManager = a WindowManager Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>ensure: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in [] in Notice class>>show:while: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[2] Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Cursor>>showWhile: Temporaries: result = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cursor>>showWhile: Receiver: a Cursor Instance Variables: errorCode = 0 handle = 5 image = Depth1Image(extent: 16@16 depth: 1) mask = Depth1Image(extent: 16@16 depth: 1) hotSpot = 0@0 name = 'wait' Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in Notice class>>show:while: Temporaries: oldcursor = Cursor normal Context PC = 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Notice class>>show:while: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .baby = a Notice result = an UIBuilder babyWindow = an ApplicationWindow 4865 babyWindowManager = a WindowManager .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCode Context PC = 48 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>ensure: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in Notice class>>show:while: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[3] Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Notice class>>show:while: Temporaries: result = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Notice class>>show:while: Receiver: a Notice class Instance Variables: superclass = ApplicationModel methodDict = a MethodDictionary[9] format = 16390 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = an Array[2] organization = ('interface opening' #postOpenWith:) ('aspects' #message: #notice #show: #textView) ('updating' #changedMessages) ('private' #invokePostOpen #on:) ('interface closing' #requestForWindowClose) name = #Notice classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0] environment = a NameSpace[570] savedWindowInformation = an IdentityDictionary[0] Arguments: aStringOrUserMessage = 'Generating code for the proxy and its stubs...' aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCode Temporaries: baby = a Notice result = an UIBuilder babyWindow = an ApplicationWindow 4865 babyWindowManager = a WindowManager Context PC = 27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCode Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCode outerContext = nil copiedValues = a DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard Arguments: anExceptionSelector = OsInaccessibleError handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCode Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard>>generateCode Receiver: a DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard Instance Variables: dependents = an ApplicationWindow 1418 builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = a ControlManager eventHandlers = nil stepTitle = a ValueHolder on: Text for 'Generate Code' stepDescription = a ValueHolder on: 'In this step the c-source code for the proxy and the smalltalk source code for the stubs needed to access the .NET assembly are generated. After the source code generation finished you have to compile the c source code. Open a shell in which the .NET environment variables are set, switch to the c source code directory and execute nmake on the generated makefile. Copy the resulting dll to your image directory. File in the generated smalltalk code from your smalltalk source code directory.' currentStepNumber = 5 options = a RuntimePackager.RuntimeBuilderOptions keptItems = a RuntimePackager.RuntimeBuilderItems tester = nil paramFilename = a NTFSFilename('params.rtp') memoryParams = a RuntimePackager.RuntimeBuilderMemoryParams reviewDone = nil itemsDone = nil scanDone = nil testDone = nil memoryDone = nil optionsDone = nil cleanupDone = nil saveParcelsDone = nil interactWithUser = true changeSettingsDone = a ValueHolder on: true reviewKeptDeletedDone = a ValueHolder on: true generateCodeDone = a ValueHolder on: false checkTypesDone = a ValueHolder on: true settings = a DotNETUtils.CreationSettings keptDeleted = a DotNETUtils.DotNETKeptItems Context PC = 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard(RuntimePackager.RuntimeBuilderUI)>>doThisStepPushed Receiver: a DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard Instance Variables: dependents = an ApplicationWindow 1418 builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = a ControlManager eventHandlers = nil stepTitle = a ValueHolder on: Text for 'Generate Code' stepDescription = a ValueHolder on: 'In this step the c-source code for the proxy and the smalltalk source code for the stubs needed to access the .NET assembly are generated. After the source code generation finished you have to compile the c source code. Open a shell in which the .NET environment variables are set, switch to the c source code directory and execute nmake on the generated makefile. Copy the resulting dll to your image directory. File in the generated smalltalk code from your smalltalk source code directory.' currentStepNumber = 5 options = a RuntimePackager.RuntimeBuilderOptions keptItems = a RuntimePackager.RuntimeBuilderItems tester = nil paramFilename = a NTFSFilename('params.rtp') memoryParams = a RuntimePackager.RuntimeBuilderMemoryParams reviewDone = nil itemsDone = nil scanDone = nil testDone = nil memoryDone = nil optionsDone = nil cleanupDone = nil saveParcelsDone = nil interactWithUser = true changeSettingsDone = a ValueHolder on: true reviewKeptDeletedDone = a ValueHolder on: true generateCodeDone = a ValueHolder on: false checkTypesDone = a ValueHolder on: true settings = a DotNETUtils.CreationSettings keptDeleted = a DotNETUtils.DotNETKeptItems Temporaries: sel = #generateCode Context PC = 19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in ApplicationModel>>actionFor: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a DotNETUtils.DotNETCreationWizard .aKey = #doThisStepPushed Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in ActionButtonSpec>>typeConvert: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: b = a ValueHolder on: nil v = true Temporaries: .aValue = BlockClosure [] in ApplicationModel>>actionFor: Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PluggableAdaptor>>setValue: Receiver: a PluggableAdaptor Instance Variables: dependents = a WinXPActionButtonView model = a ValueHolder on: nil getBlock = BlockClosure [] in ActionButtonSpec>>typeConvert: putBlock = BlockClosure [] in ActionButtonSpec>>typeConvert: updateBlock = BlockClosure [] in ActionButtonSpec>>typeConvert: Arguments: newValue = true Context PC = 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PluggableAdaptor(ValueModel)>>value: Receiver: a PluggableAdaptor Instance Variables: dependents = a WinXPActionButtonView model = a ValueHolder on: nil getBlock = BlockClosure [] in ActionButtonSpec>>typeConvert: putBlock = BlockClosure [] in ActionButtonSpec>>typeConvert: updateBlock = BlockClosure [] in ActionButtonSpec>>typeConvert: Arguments: newValue = true Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WinXPTriggerButtonController(TriggerButtonController)>>pressAction Receiver: a WinXPTriggerButtonController Instance Variables: model = a PluggableAdaptor view = a WinXPActionButtonView sensor = a TranslatingSensor keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor keyboardHook = nil dispatcher = nil Context PC = 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TriggerButtonTracker(BasicButtonTracker)>>finishSelectionFor: Receiver: a TriggerButtonTracker Instance Variables: controller = a WinXPTriggerButtonController inside = true Arguments: aPoint = 51@7 Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TriggerButtonTracker>>finishSelectionFor: Receiver: a TriggerButtonTracker Instance Variables: controller = a WinXPTriggerButtonController inside = true Arguments: aPoint = 51@7 Context PC = 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TriggerButtonTracker(SelectionTracker)>>redButtonReleasedEvent: Receiver: a TriggerButtonTracker Instance Variables: controller = a WinXPTriggerButtonController inside = true Arguments: aMouseButtonEvent = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RedButtonReleasedEvent>>dispatchTo: Receiver: a RedButtonReleasedEvent Instance Variables: time = 18255281 initiator = an EventDispatcher window = an ApplicationWindow 1418 state = 0 x = 307 y = 243 gx = 657 gy = 602 buttonNumber = 1 Arguments: anObject = a TriggerButtonTracker Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TriggerButtonTracker(SelectionTracker)>>handleEvent: Receiver: a TriggerButtonTracker Instance Variables: controller = a WinXPTriggerButtonController inside = true Arguments: anEvent = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EventDispatcher>>dispatch:to: Receiver: an EventDispatcher Instance Variables: windowController = an ApplicationStandardSystemController currentMouseConsumer = nil grabbingMouse = false keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor lastControlObject = a ReadOnlyTextEditorController trapList = nil state = nil repairDamageWhenDebugging = true flushQueueAfterError = true distributeEventsWhenDebugging = true dragDropInProgress = false dragDropTracker = nil dispatchUnknownEvents = false Arguments: event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent object = a TriggerButtonTracker Temporaries: tmp = nil Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent: Receiver: an EventDispatcher Instance Variables: windowController = an ApplicationStandardSystemController currentMouseConsumer = nil grabbingMouse = false keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor lastControlObject = a ReadOnlyTextEditorController trapList = nil state = nil repairDamageWhenDebugging = true flushQueueAfterError = true distributeEventsWhenDebugging = true dragDropInProgress = false dragDropTracker = nil dispatchUnknownEvents = false Arguments: event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Temporaries: objectWantingControl = nil targetKeyboardProcessor = nil Context PC = 60 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RedButtonReleasedEvent(Event)>>dispatch Receiver: a RedButtonReleasedEvent Instance Variables: time = 18255281 initiator = an EventDispatcher window = an ApplicationWindow 1418 state = 0 x = 307 y = 243 gx = 657 gy = 602 buttonNumber = 1 Context PC = 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RedButtonReleasedEvent(Event)>>dispatchForWindowManager: Receiver: a RedButtonReleasedEvent Instance Variables: time = 18255281 initiator = an EventDispatcher window = an ApplicationWindow 1418 state = 0 x = 307 y = 243 gx = 657 gy = 602 buttonNumber = 1 Arguments: aWinMgr = a WindowManager Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent .self = a WindowManager Context PC = 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[2] Arguments: anExceptionSelector = BadControllerError handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: Receiver: a WindowManager Instance Variables: windows = an OrderedCollection[2] activeController = nil interruptLock = false outstandingMetaOrDamage = false openInProgress = false eventQueue = an EventQueue baseProcess = a Process in Semaphore>>wait dontFilterEvents = false Arguments: event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WindowManager>>processNextEvent Receiver: a WindowManager Instance Variables: windows = an OrderedCollection[2] activeController = nil interruptLock = false outstandingMetaOrDamage = false openInProgress = false eventQueue = an EventQueue baseProcess = a Process in Semaphore>>wait dontFilterEvents = false Temporaries: event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a WindowManager Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess outerContext = nil copiedValues = a WindowManager Arguments: anExceptionSelector = TerminateException handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in WindowManager>>newProcess Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a WindowManager Context PC = 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in WindowManager>>newProcess outerContext = nil copiedValues = a WindowManager Arguments: anExceptionSelector = TerminateException handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in WindowManager>>newProcess Context PC = 9 |
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