We noticed today that attempting to do Store > Browse Versions on some of our methods brought up “No prior versions” dialog. The culprit appears to be the fact that MethodDefinition>>asStoreObjectInPackage filters out Store versions that are not from the package of the same name as the current package. So if method’s history is wholly owned by the package pre-rename, you will not be able to see any history of the method whatsoever. The interim fix (read: hack) is as follows,
| package versions session packageModel |
packageModel := Store.Registry containingPackageForSelector: self selector class: self implementingClass.
session := packageModel isNil
ifTrue: [Store.Glorp.StoreLoginFactory currentStoreSession]
[package := packageModel asStorePundle.
package isNil ifTrue: [Store.Glorp.StoreLoginFactory currentStoreSession] ifFalse: [package session]].
versions := Store.Glorp.StoreMethodInPackage
allVersionsWithName: self selector asString
inClass: self implementingClass absoluteName
in: session.
packageModel ifNil: [^versions isEmpty ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [versions first]].
^versions detect: [:each | true] ifNone: [nil].
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