[7.7] Number>>second is wrong? (Grease-VisualWorks-Core)

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[7.7] Number>>second is wrong? (Grease-VisualWorks-Core)

Boris Popov, DeepCove Labs (SNN)

This made me scratch my head for a second (pun intended),


Time millisecondsToRun: [5 second wait]  >> 1006

5 second = 1 seconds >> true



  ^self sign seconds


I sure hope this isn’t intended functionality…





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Re: [7.7] Number>>second is wrong? (Grease-VisualWorks-Core)

Julian Fitzell-4
This comes from Grease. John O¹Keefe and I were advocating for removing this
and just having #seconds (assuming we have this protocol at all). I think
having to say ³1 seconds² is much better than having twice the number of
methods and having ³5 second² return an unintuitive result. It's also weird
since #second on a collection returns the second item. Smalltalk may read
like English, but it¹s still a programming language not a natural language.

If you want to confirm that those singular methods are still in the upstream
Grease packages, please feel free to file an issue in the Seaside bugtracker
and I¹ll make sure they¹re removed. (also interested in opinions‹but not an
extended debate! :)‹on the value of the plural forms, I guess)


On 10-08-05 11:30 AM, "Boris Popov" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> This made me scratch my head for a second (pun intended),
> Time millisecondsToRun: [5 second wait]  >> 1006
> 5 second = 1 seconds >> true
> Number>>second
>   ^self sign seconds
> I sure hope this isn¹t intended functionalityŠ
> -Boris

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Re: [7.7] Number>>second is wrong? (Grease-VisualWorks-Core)

Boris Popov, DeepCove Labs (SNN)

>From what I can tell it's part of Kernel-Numbers in Pharo, so it must be part of Grease only for VisualWorks. I definitely think the method is flawed in that it'll completely ignore the value of the receiver (only its sign) and has no place in either Pharo or Grease-VisualWorks-Core. As for the plural form, I like '2 seconds wait' expressions, not sure what you were asking though.



DeepCove Labs Ltd.
+1 (604) 689-0322
4th floor, 595 Howe Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6C 2T5

PacNet Services (Europe) Ltd.
+353 (0)61 714-360
Shannon Airport House, SFZ
County Clare, Ireland


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-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Fitzell [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: 05 August 2010 14:23
To: Boris Popov, DeepCove Labs (SNN); VW NC
Subject: Re: [vwnc] [7.7] Number>>second is wrong? (Grease-VisualWorks-Core)

This comes from Grease. John O¹Keefe and I were advocating for removing this and just having #seconds (assuming we have this protocol at all). I think having to say ³1 seconds² is much better than having twice the number of methods and having ³5 second² return an unintuitive result. It's also weird since #second on a collection returns the second item. Smalltalk may read like English, but it¹s still a programming language not a natural language.

If you want to confirm that those singular methods are still in the upstream Grease packages, please feel free to file an issue in the Seaside bugtracker and I¹ll make sure they¹re removed. (also interested in opinions‹but not an extended debate! :)‹on the value of the plural forms, I guess)


On 10-08-05 11:30 AM, "Boris Popov" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> This made me scratch my head for a second (pun intended),
> Time millisecondsToRun: [5 second wait]  >> 1006
> 5 second = 1 seconds >> true
> Number>>second
>   ^self sign seconds
> I sure hope this isn¹t intended functionalityŠ
> -Boris

vwnc mailing list
[hidden email]

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Re: [7.7] Number>>second is wrong? (Grease-VisualWorks-Core)

In reply to this post by Julian Fitzell-4

the merhod name second is really misleading in this context. it should
go away regardless of how it's implemented ;-) . Even if that means
you'd have to write '1 seconds'.


Am 05.08.10 15:22, schrieb Julian Fitzell:

> This comes from Grease. John O¹Keefe and I were advocating for removing this
> and just having #seconds (assuming we have this protocol at all). I think
> having to say ³1 seconds² is much better than having twice the number of
> methods and having ³5 second² return an unintuitive result. It's also weird
> since #second on a collection returns the second item. Smalltalk may read
> like English, but it¹s still a programming language not a natural language.
> :)
> If you want to confirm that those singular methods are still in the upstream
> Grease packages, please feel free to file an issue in the Seaside bugtracker
> and I¹ll make sure they¹re removed. (also interested in opinions‹but not an
> extended debate! :)‹on the value of the plural forms, I guess)
> Julian
> On 10-08-05 11:30 AM, "Boris Popov"<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>> This made me scratch my head for a second (pun intended),
>> Time millisecondsToRun: [5 second wait]>>  1006
>> 5 second = 1 seconds>>  true
>> Number>>second
>>    ^self sign seconds
>> I sure hope this isn¹t intended functionalityŠ
>> -Boris
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