The lookup of classes for descriptorMethods done in constructAllClasses
is flawed.
It ends up using:
Dialect >> lookupClassNamed: aString inContextOf: aClass ifAbsent: aBlock
"Look up the class by name, but use the namespace of the class.
Mostly useful if we're trying to guess from unqualified names in
dialects with namespaces."
self isVisualWorks ifFalse: [^self smalltalkAt: aString ifAbsent:
^aClass environment at: aString ifAbsent: aBlock.
As such, any classes in namespaces imported in the DescriptorSystem
class itself will fail to be found.
In other words:
A defineClass: MyDescriptorSystem
imports: 'B.*'
MyDescriptorSystem >> descriptorForMyClass:
B define: MyClass
fails to find MyClass during verification when a MyDescriptorSystem is
If the import of B is moved to A, it works, but that's not always what
one wants.
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