8.0 image on 9.0

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8.0 image on 9.0

Steven LaFavor
I attempted to fire up one of our 8.0.3 development images using the 9.0.0 version and I got this error that you documented....

This is a result of an incompatibility between two ICs, one which is a dependent of the other because they were built based on different snapshots of the prerequisite IC. To find out more about the problem, use the -loption on abt.exe to direct the default output to a log file. Start abt.exe again. Now examine the output log file. The output log file might contain information about the offending IC, for example:
This might be problem related to paths in the .ini file again, or it might be that there was a mix up in the packaging of sets of ICs which are dependent on each other. In the worst case, it might involve repackaging the offending IC and all of its dependent ICs.

When I use the -l switch, it tells me 'tools.ic' timeStamp mismatch.  Other than a complete reload of all of our code into a 9.0 base image, is there anyway to get this image to run in 9.0 as is?  Is there something specific to tools.ic?
We are trying to move our development to 9.0, but wanted to be able to get our existing images up and running first before we started running thru the migration guide....


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Re: 8.0 image on 9.0


this is just a more or less informed opinion, but I'd say don't waste much time on this and just do the migration.
Since you'll have to do it anyways (in order to profit from the new features), and because it is hard to do any project planning for the migration without (at least starting) just doing it, just do it.
My experience from a dozen or so migrations is that it is not as bad as you might think, at least if there is not too much of your own proprietary base code extensions and DLLs and such involved. I know of no migration that took more than 2 weeks, but ymmv.


Am Montag, 7. Mai 2018 04:04:04 UTC+2 schrieb Steven LaFavor:
I attempted to fire up one of our 8.0.3 development images using the 9.0.0 version and I got this error that you documented....

This is a result of an incompatibility between two ICs, one which is a dependent of the other because they were built based on different snapshots of the prerequisite IC. To find out more about the problem, use the -loption on abt.exe to direct the default output to a log file. Start abt.exe again. Now examine the output log file. The output log file might contain information about the offending IC, for example:
This might be problem related to paths in the .ini file again, or it might be that there was a mix up in the packaging of sets of ICs which are dependent on each other. In the worst case, it might involve repackaging the offending IC and all of its dependent ICs.

When I use the -l switch, it tells me 'tools.ic' timeStamp mismatch.  Other than a complete reload of all of our code into a 9.0 base image, is there anyway to get this image to run in 9.0 as is?  Is there something specific to tools.ic?
We are trying to move our development to 9.0, but wanted to be able to get our existing images up and running first before we started running thru the migration guide....


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Re: 8.0 image on 9.0

Seth Berman
In reply to this post by Steven LaFavor

I just ran our working 9.1 32-bit vm against a 7.0 image and it works quite nicely.
It seems like you might be trying to use 9.0 ICs with your 8.0.3 image...which you can't do.
You must continue to use the set of ICs that came with 8.0.3 for your 8.0.3 images.
What is the value of IC_ROOT in your ini file that you use to launch 8.0.3?

-- Seth

On Sunday, May 6, 2018 at 10:04:04 PM UTC-4, Steven LaFavor wrote:
I attempted to fire up one of our 8.0.3 development images using the 9.0.0 version and I got this error that you documented....

This is a result of an incompatibility between two ICs, one which is a dependent of the other because they were built based on different snapshots of the prerequisite IC. To find out more about the problem, use the -loption on abt.exe to direct the default output to a log file. Start abt.exe again. Now examine the output log file. The output log file might contain information about the offending IC, for example:
This might be problem related to paths in the .ini file again, or it might be that there was a mix up in the packaging of sets of ICs which are dependent on each other. In the worst case, it might involve repackaging the offending IC and all of its dependent ICs.

When I use the -l switch, it tells me 'tools.ic' timeStamp mismatch.  Other than a complete reload of all of our code into a 9.0 base image, is there anyway to get this image to run in 9.0 as is?  Is there something specific to tools.ic?
We are trying to move our development to 9.0, but wanted to be able to get our existing images up and running first before we started running thru the migration guide....


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Re: 8.0 image on 9.0

Steven LaFavor

Our image is not packaged using ICs.  That's why I was wondering why I'm getting the issue.  And this is in the development environment.

So, does this mean that 8.0.3 development images have to point to the 8.0.3 IC_ROOT variable even if they are running under the 9.0.0 dev environment?

The ini file has this line commented as such:

[Ic path]
; This stanza is only needed at runtime if you packaged using ICs.
IC_ROOT=C:\Program Files (x86)\Instantiations\VA Smalltalk\9.0x86\icsrun

So is this not a Runtime only setting?

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Re: 8.0 image on 9.0

Seth Berman

Yes, development images (.icx) have prerequisite ICs that they need to load on startup.
And those ICs have to be the correct ones, which is determined by the timestamp within these ICs.
A version 8.0.3 icx will not bind to 9.0.0 .ic files.

Here is some more information on IC_ROOT

-- Seth

On Monday, May 7, 2018 at 1:00:56 PM UTC-4, Steven LaFavor wrote:

Our image is not packaged using ICs.  That's why I was wondering why I'm getting the issue.  And this is in the development environment.

So, does this mean that 8.0.3 development images have to point to the 8.0.3 IC_ROOT variable even if they are running under the 9.0.0 dev environment?

The ini file has this line commented as such:

[Ic path]
; This stanza is only needed at runtime if you packaged using ICs.
IC_ROOT=C:\Program Files (x86)\Instantiations\VA Smalltalk\9.0x86\icsrun

So is this not a Runtime only setting?

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