8.6 SstHttpMultipart support

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8.6 SstHttpMultipart support


can anybody elaborate on what this section in the Server Smalltalk guide actually means:

(See http://www.instantiations.com/docs/86/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm#href=ss/sst87a.html for more details)

That is all there is about how Multipart support is integrated into Seaside.
Ideally this just means "don't worry, all will just work and you can now use FileUpload tags in Seaside".
A tiny example or a link to which Seaside example in the Seaside Examples application would show how the file upload works might be helpful at this place.


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Re: 8.6 SstHttpMultipart support

Hello Joachim,

You can see how the multipart form support works by executing the Seaside WAUploadFunctionalTest, which now works. Please let me know if you need details on how to execute it.  It would be good to have an example to point to in the documentation; I'll work on that for 8.6.1



On Wednesday, October 2, 2013 4:16:27 AM UTC-4, [hidden email] wrote:

can anybody elaborate on what this section in the Server Smalltalk guide actually means:

(See http://www.instantiations.com/docs/86/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm#href=ss/sst87a.html for more details)

That is all there is about how Multipart support is integrated into Seaside.
Ideally this just means "don't worry, all will just work and you can now use FileUpload tags in Seaside".
A tiny example or a link to which Seaside example in the Seaside Examples application would show how the file upload works might be helpful at this place.


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