9.1x64: Array>>#replaceFrom:to:withObject: does not work correctly for EsWeakArray (and other Array subclasses with named inst vars)

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9.1x64: Array>>#replaceFrom:to:withObject: does not work correctly for EsWeakArray (and other Array subclasses with named inst vars)

Hans-Martin Mosner-3
Today I found a curious bug in the VMprPointerReplaceFromToWithObject primitive:
In EsWeakArray, it only fills the slots up to the next-to-last one.
    (EsWeakArray new: 5) replaceFrom: 1 to: 5 withObject: 1
results in
    (1 1 1 1 nil)

Apparently, in computing the limit it does not skip the named instance variable. I could verify this assumption by defining a subclass of Array with two named instance variables, and for this subclass, the last two slots will be left nil.

I see this behavior in Windows and Linux 64 bit 9.1 VMs with fixpack 9.1.1.
Is this a known bug, and will it been fixed in 9.2?


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Re: 9.1x64: Array>>#replaceFrom:to:withObject: does not work correctly for EsWeakArray (and other Array subclasses with named inst vars)

Mariano Martinez Peck-2
Hi Hans-Martin,

Great catch. I can reproduce it very easily as you pointed out:

Array variableSubclass: #MyArray
    classInstanceVariableNames: ''
    instanceVariableNames: 'instVar1 instVar2 '
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''

(MyArray new: 5) replaceFrom: 1 to: 5 withObject: 1 
-----> (1 1 1 nil nil)

I am already writing a unit test for this and I have forwarded this issue to our VM team.

I will keep you posted. 

On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 11:13 AM 'Hans-Martin Mosner' via VA Smalltalk <[hidden email]> wrote:
Today I found a curious bug in the VMprPointerReplaceFromToWithObject primitive:
In EsWeakArray, it only fills the slots up to the next-to-last one.
    (EsWeakArray new: 5) replaceFrom: 1 to: 5 withObject: 1
results in
    (1 1 1 1 nil)

Apparently, in computing the limit it does not skip the named instance variable. I could verify this assumption by defining a subclass of Array with two named instance variables, and for this subclass, the last two slots will be left nil.

I see this behavior in Windows and Linux 64 bit 9.1 VMs with fixpack 9.1.1.
Is this a known bug, and will it been fixed in 9.2?


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Mariano Martinez Peck
Software Engineer, Instantiations Inc.

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Re: 9.1x64: Array>>#replaceFrom:to:withObject: does not work correctly for EsWeakArray (and other Array subclasses with named inst vars)

Seth Berman
Thanks for reporting Hans-Martin,

We have made the appropriate fix to the 'end' counter of the for loop which was not adjusted for namedInstVarSize.
It has been committed and will be in 9.2

- Seth

On Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 10:24:38 AM UTC-4, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
Hi Hans-Martin,

Great catch. I can reproduce it very easily as you pointed out:

Array variableSubclass: #MyArray
    classInstanceVariableNames: ''
    instanceVariableNames: 'instVar1 instVar2 '
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''

(MyArray new: 5) replaceFrom: 1 to: 5 withObject: 1 
-----> (1 1 1 nil nil)

I am already writing a unit test for this and I have forwarded this issue to our VM team.

I will keep you posted. 

On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 11:13 AM 'Hans-Martin Mosner' via VA Smalltalk <[hidden email]> wrote:
Today I found a curious bug in the VMprPointerReplaceFromToWithObject primitive:
In EsWeakArray, it only fills the slots up to the next-to-last one.
    (EsWeakArray new: 5) replaceFrom: 1 to: 5 withObject: 1
results in
    (1 1 1 1 nil)

Apparently, in computing the limit it does not skip the named instance variable. I could verify this assumption by defining a subclass of Array with two named instance variables, and for this subclass, the last two slots will be left nil.

I see this behavior in Windows and Linux 64 bit 9.1 VMs with fixpack 9.1.1.
Is this a known bug, and will it been fixed in 9.2?


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Mariano Martinez Peck
Software Engineer, Instantiations Inc.
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