A Day At The Beach

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A Day At The Beach

Sven Van Caekenberghe

Back in 2003, when Seaside was still very young, I wrote a short article about our initial exposure to Seaside. Recently, I went back to Seaside (and Pharo), pleasantly surprised by the immense progress made since then. So I decided to update the article, the code and the screenshots. It is targeted at people new to Seaside and Smalltalk.


The examples are now also live.


To all those who worked on Seaside/Squeak/Pharo since then: thank you ! You have much to be proud of.

BTW, consider this my 'hello' message to this list, I am new. As far as I am concerned, Pharo rocks.


PS: This was the original posting http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/seaside/2003-November/002297.html

Sven Van Caekenberghe - http://homepage.mac.com/svc
Beta Nine - software engineering - http://www.beta9.be

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Re: A Day At The Beach

Stéphane Ducasse
Thanks sven.
I remember your tutorial.
Now head to the future, do not hesitate to join making pharo better :)


On Jun 4, 2010, at 6:28 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

> Hi,
> Back in 2003, when Seaside was still very young, I wrote a short article about our initial exposure to Seaside. Recently, I went back to Seaside (and Pharo), pleasantly surprised by the immense progress made since then. So I decided to update the article, the code and the screenshots. It is targeted at people new to Seaside and Smalltalk.
>  http://homepage.mac.com/svc/ADayAtTheBeach
> The examples are now also live.
>  http://caretaker.wolf359.be:8080/
> To all those who worked on Seaside/Squeak/Pharo since then: thank you ! You have much to be proud of.
> BTW, consider this my 'hello' message to this list, I am new. As far as I am concerned, Pharo rocks.
> Sven
> PS: This was the original posting http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/seaside/2003-November/002297.html
> --
> Sven Van Caekenberghe - http://homepage.mac.com/svc
> Beta Nine - software engineering - http://www.beta9.be
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