Taking PersonalMoney as an example:
I f I wanted to add the capability to print out all transactions enacted
between a pair of dates, which items in the MVP triad would be better off
doing which job? For instance, would it be better to supply the dates to the
model and let it return a collection of items that satisfied the criteria or
would it be better to let the "printer presenter" get the collection of
transactions from the model and for it ( the presenter) do the filtering?
The latter is the way I currently understand the way say a
ListView/ListPresenter works. i.e. I think the ListPresenter uses the
getContentsBlock/getTextBlock etc. to filter and then present the info to
the view, which just displays it, am I correct in this assumption?
Ian Oldham
I am addicted but I can't get the T-shirt to prove it - they've sold out