A couple of walkbacks

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A couple of walkbacks

Artur Zaroda

Open 'Default view' of ApplicationDeploymentWizard in ViewComposer.
Mutate to AbstractCardContainer. It will walkback with something
(usually CardLayout, but sometimes other things, like CompiledMethod
or SmallInteger) not understanding #signal.

Open ViewComposer. Click 'New' button on toolbar to create a shell
and then 'Delete'. After confirming, click Visual Object Finder icon.
It will walkback with #view being sent to nil in Interactor>>view.

In PackagedClassSelector>>newClass, block being sent as argument to
#ifNil in second assignment cannot work. It sends #aClass to value
of 'package' variable, which will be nil at that point.

The 'tally' variable of "Object _eventsRegister" is significantly
larger, then the real number of elements. The result of
"Object _eventsRegister size" is usually about twice the result of
"Object _eventsRegister countElements".

In CHB, open 'Create Class...' dialog and click '...' button next to
'Superclass' field. It will walkback sending #onClassSelected to

In ViewComposer execute "File/New Shell View" and click on
'Bring to Front' button on toolbar. It will walkback with
"Not found: ShellView".

Artur Zaroda
[hidden email]

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Re: A couple of walkbacks

Blair McGlashan
"Artur Zaroda" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> ...

Thanks Artur, #882, #883, #874, #884, #886 and #885 respectively.

