Hi Henrik,
thank you very much for your information; in your opinion, what does it mean regarding VSE?
By the way, may I ask if you are still using VSE?
If yes, have you been able to connect it to Internet?
If so, please tell me if you could make me an offer for doing the same porting for me.
Best greetings to you, Maria and your sons.
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Using Visual Smalltalk for Windows/Enterprise [mailto:
[hidden email]] Per conto di Henrik Høyer
Inviato: venerdì 4 aprile 2014 07:55
[hidden email]
Oggetto: A great VM engineer is turning his knowledge towards VSE
Andres Valloud has left the Cincom. He was their engineer for the VisualWorks VM. (
He will be working on the VM for Visual Smalltalk Enterprise (VSE) at Labware (
Henrik Høyer
Chief Software Architect
[hidden email] • (+45) 4029 2092
Tigervej 27 • 4600 Køge
www.sPeople.dk • (+45) 7023 7775
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