A point about building community

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A point about building community

Stéphane Ducasse
Hi guys

as you will be able to hear it when the esug videos will be online (pretty soon in fact), I would like to
restate some points:

- ESUG wants powerful smalltalk vendors. We need them strong, innovative... Enlighten us :)

- ESUG wants to push Smalltalk - you will get some announce and summary of our next actions :)
- ESUG wants to have a powerful open source community and it will help
        we are happy to announce the creation of scona the mailing-list of the north america user group.

If you want to help to push with us and you have some time/ideas... let us know.

Esug-list mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: A point about building community

Geert Claes
Stéphane Ducasse wrote
as you will be able to hear it when the esug videos will be online (pretty soon in fact)

Stéphane Ducasse wrote
I would like to restate some points:

- ESUG wants powerful smalltalk vendors. We need them strong, innovative... Enlighten us :)
- ESUG wants to push Smalltalk - you will get some announce and summary of our next actions :)
- ESUG wants to have a powerful open source community and it will help

        we are happy to announce the creation of scona the mailing-list of the north america user group.
Great initiative, I have added the SCONA mailing list as an online forum on The World of Smalltalk, see forum.world.st

On a side-note, following Serge's post I also added the Korean Squeakers to the growing number of Local User Groups: http://www.world.st/usergroups

Stéphane Ducasse wrote
If you want to help to push with us and you have some time/ideas... let us know.
I have some ideas on how to make www.world.st better and I am also open to feedback :)