A port of Pharo: Redline Smalltalk ...

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A port of Pharo: Redline Smalltalk ...

Hi Pharo-ites,

I'm working on a port of Pharo to the Java Virtual Machine called Redline Smalltalk.
(read more here: http://jamesladdcode.com/?p=323)

I'm wanting to port every single class over time, but initially enough to get the
compiler working and have a minimum runtime.

Of the 1600+/- classes which are those necessary to make a small workable compiler
and runtime environment?

Rgs, James.

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Re: A port of Pharo: Redline Smalltalk ...

Stéphane Ducasse
Hi Pharo-ites,
> I'm working on a port of Pharo to the Java Virtual Machine called Redline Smalltalk.
> (read more here: http://jamesladdcode.com/?p=323)

Excellent I think that having a smalltalk running on JVM is cool. Did you check SqueakOnJava?

or http://news.squeak.org/2008/07/07/potato-version-of-jsqueak-from-hpi/
or littleSmalltalk

> I'm wanting to port every single class over time, but initially enough to get the
> compiler working and have a minimum runtime.

Why do you want to port the compiler in Java?
In Java you should only implement the necessary infrastructure to run the object model of Pharo (primitives
in particular). Then you can load Smalltalk code and you do not need  
to compile smalltalk code in smalltalk?

> Of the 1600+/- classes which are those necessary to make a small workable compiler
> and runtime environment?

good question :) study little Smalltalk for example to get an idea.

> Rgs, James.
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Re: A port of Pharo: Redline Smalltalk ...

In reply to this post by jamesl
Hi James,

 Just wondering why not port to Groovy and it would be lot easier.

 Though building a proper bridge like JNIPort, XMLRPC, full blown WS, RMI like more native interoperability along with a VW like optimized VM would be nicer than really translating code.. Atleast Synchrony Systems has done this with VA Smalltalk to Java for close to 6+ years now.. and I do not see the results very nice in the ported apps.. they are pain to maintain and extend eventually. If Java is the world I want to deploy and live in.. better develop in it.. not that difficult at all with Groovy / Ruby and now the up coming Java 7 dynamic language hooks..

 Polyglot programming is best.. they can thrive on their own runtimes if so reqd rather than targetting the same VM. I am not sure if I would consider JVM necessarily better than an optimized Smalltalk VM like VW if Pharo can reach their with Eliot's assistance..

 Ruby or Groovy like ability to call Java framework APIs with just an import statement and automatic marshalling/ unmarshalling of values will be a boon to Smalltalk programmers to plug in to the width Java does provide from its various sources viz: Spring/ Apache / Oracle-Sun / IBM.. for everything from MQ, JMS, ESBs, simple parsers/ builders and the whole slew of stuff..
