ADvance problem (VWNC 7.7 Windows)

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ADvance problem (VWNC 7.7 Windows)


it is not possible to move a class symbol inside an ADvance diagram.
If you try it the diagram window starts flickering and VW becomes
inoperable. I have observed this behavior under Window XP/SP 3 and
Windows Server 2008.

Using Mac OS X there is no problem.

Is there any chance for using ADvance under Windows?


Staatlich anerkannte private Fachhochschule
Gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft
Köllner Chaussee 11
25337 Elmshorn

Prof. Dr. Georg Plate (Vorsitzender), Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Meier (stellv. Vorstand)

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Dr. h.c. Hans-Heinrich Bruns

Elmshorn, Amtsgericht Elmshorn, HRB 1682

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Re: ADvance problem (VWNC 7.7 Windows)

Holger Kleinsorgen-4

try the attached patch. I only did some very limited testing, though.

instead of drawing a shape directly on the screen and moving the
elements when the button is released, the elements will now be moved
immediately. this avoids having to use the drawing primitive that seems
to cause the effects you've noticed.

also published in the public repository.

> it is not possible to move a class symbol inside an ADvance diagram.
> If you try it the diagram window starts flickering and VW becomes
> inoperable. I have observed this behavior under Window XP/SP 3 and
> Windows Server 2008.
> Using Mac OS X there is no problem.
> Is there any chance for using ADvance under Windows?

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Re: ADvance problem (VWNC 7.7 Windows)

Holger Kleinsorgen-4
the association controller needs a patch, too :/

> try the attached patch. I only did some very limited testing, though.
>> it is not possible to move a class symbol inside an ADvance diagram.

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Re: ADvance problem (VWNC 7.7 Windows)

thanks Holger, the patch seems to work fine

Am 27.05.2010 um 16:13 schrieb Holger Kleinsorgen:

> the association controller needs a patch, too :/
>> try the attached patch. I only did some very limited testing, though.
>>> it is not possible to move a class symbol inside an ADvance diagram.
> <><ATT00001..txt>

Staatlich anerkannte private Fachhochschule
Gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft
Köllner Chaussee 11
25337 Elmshorn

Prof. Dr. Georg Plate (Vorsitzender), Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Meier (stellv. Vorstand)

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Dr. h.c. Hans-Heinrich Bruns

Elmshorn, Amtsgericht Elmshorn, HRB 1682

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