[ANN] Aida/Web 6.1 released

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[ANN] Aida/Web 6.1 released

Janko Mivšek
Dear Smalltalkers,

I'm proud to announce the new version of Aida/Web Application server and
Web framework (http://www.aidaweb.si), currently prepared for
Squeak/Pharo and VisualWorks.

What's new in 6.1?

 * Inline translation to multiple languages,to translate your web
   applications to other languages inline, by just clicking the text on
   the page. Translation is immediately stored in class methods on
   your web app classes.
 * See three screenshots in an attached picture. First we click the
   Security title. Second we translate it inline to French and click
   Ok. Text is from now on in French for a French speaking visitors and
   in English for all others.

Other most important new features:

 * Standalone web apps, no link to the domain model needed,
 * Ajaxified input validation,
 * Action blocks (aka callbacks).

And more:

 * Routing of web requests,
 * Static serving moved to a special StaticServer class,
 * IE8 support in IE7 emulation mode to avoid manual checking of IE8
   Compatibility view
 * AdvancedSearch widget introduced, for easier implementation of
   advanced search in web apps
 * Email messenger introduced for easier sending emails with
   notifications and similar from your web apps
 * RegistrationApp, a standalone web app to guide the user registration
 * Pluggable authentication, with default authenticator from local
   security settings included, LDAP authenticator as add-on.

See Release notes for detailed list of all new features and bugs
resolved, with most important ones emphasized

For Squeak/Pharo there is now a Metacello configuration available. To
install for instance Pharo just evaluate this script:

  Gofer new
     squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
     package: 'ConfigurationOfAida';

  ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfAida) project version: '6.1') load.
  SwazooAida demoStart.

More on Download page on our website http://www.aidaweb.si/download.html

Best regards

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server

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aida-inline-translation.png (20K) Download Attachment