[ANN] Amber 0.14.3 released!

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[ANN] Amber 0.14.3 released!


Amber 0.14.3 released!


We are happy to announce the release of Amber 0.14.3. The team has once again been busy improving Amber to make it rock more than ever!

With 27 commits done by 2 contributors, this release brings several important improvements as well as the usual bug fixes (9 total).

Commits: https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/compare/0.14.2...0.14.3 Issues:https://github.com/amber-smalltalk/amber/issues?q=milestone%3A0.14.3+is%3Aclosed


  • Package can specify external dependencies and import them as package-global vars. This allows for less fuss with dependencies in deploy.js and devel.js

API changes:

#heliosClass is now #classTag
+ Compiler >>
  + eval:forPackage:
+ Behavior >>
  + packageOfProtocol:
+ Exporter >>
  + exportPackageContextOf:on:
  + exportPackageImportsOf:on:
+ Package >>
  + basicImports
  + imports
  + imports:
  + importsDefinition
  + importsFromJson:
  + importsAsJson
  + sortedImportsAsArray
  + validateImports:
+ Package class >>
  + named:imports:transport:
+ Association >>
  + importsString
+ String >>
  + importsString

We would like to thank the contributors who made this release possible.


/The Amber crew.

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