[ANN] Another small Goodies site

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[ANN] Another small Goodies site

Chris Uppal-3
Hi all,

I've finally started to put some of my stuff on the Web!

Right now there's not much there, a tree-view-with-columns (like in M$
outlook express), and an enhanced method browser that allows you to select
which methods you see much more flexibly than the default method browser.
Over the coming <mumble>s I'm planning to put a lot more of my stuff up, but
that'll only happen as I get it cleaned up and polished.

If you're interested, then see:

To quote a couple of other folk, "share and enjoy".

    -- chris

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Re: [ANN] Another small Goodies site

Paul Hudson
On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 17:42:23 +0000, Chris Uppal wrote:

> Right now there's not much there, a tree-view-with-columns (like in M$
> outlook express),

Not much? That's only exactly what I was looking for for my (moribund)
Newsreader. Thanks!


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Re: [ANN] Another small Goodies site

Chris Uppal-3

Less than an hour after official opening, and already I have a customer.

Please let me know about any problems.

    -- chris