[ANN] CJSolver

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[ANN] CJSolver

Luc Fabresse
Hi all,

As a teacher, I always try to find new programming exercices for students.
I discovered the CodeJam coding contest that provides problems and their data sets. We can also upload a solution on the website and it tells us if it is right or wrong.

Example of problem: 
   <a href="http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/dashboard?c=351101#s=p2 ">http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/dashboard?c=351101#s=p2 
So, I did a little framework (CJSolver) to make it easier to read data sets and write result files.

More info here: 

 The code is on Smalltalkhub but since I also wanted to commit data set files and correct results, I also have a github repo here:

 You can checkout the code, test it, implement solution to other problems or *optimize* already implemented solutions (I did the simplest version ;-)) and sometimes it is slow on big data sets.

have fun,