[ANN] Camp Smalltalk London

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[ANN] Camp Smalltalk London

Julian Fitzell-4
The UK Smalltalk User Group would like to invite everyone to attend Camp
Smalltalk London this July 16-18.

The Pharo team will be holding one of their regular coding sprints and, in
true Camp Smalltalk spirit, other Smalltalkers will be gathering together to
do some productive work on their projects.

In addition, we want to welcome those who just want to learn more about
Smalltalk, so we'll be holding an introductory tutorial on the first
morning. We'll have you writing Smalltalk by lunch! If there's interest,
we'll follow up with a Seaside tutorial the next day.

So whatever your level of experience, this is a great chance to meet other
developers, network, discuss ideas, write code, and have some fun.

Cincom is generously treating us to dinner on Saturday at a unique London
restaurant and Pinesoft will be opening up their spectacular London offices
for the daytime activities. We are still finalizing some of the details but
we wanted to announce the dates as soon as possible so you could begin your

Thanks to our sponsors, the event is completely free. All we ask is that you
sign up at cslondon2010.eventbrite.com so that we can plan everything for
the right number of people. The current schedule and other logistical
details are available on that site and we'll send out updates as we finalize
the remaining items.

If you have any questions, just send an email to [hidden email].

We hope to see you there on July 16 - 18!

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