[ANN] CodeMirror / WABrowser with Smalltalk Syntax highlighting

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[ANN] CodeMirror / WABrowser with Smalltalk Syntax highlighting

Torsten Bergmann
Hi there,

I wrote a simple seaside wrapper for the CodeMirror
JavaScript Editor, the code lives in


It was actually very easy to wrap due to the new
WAFileMetadataLibrary facility.

Since this editor includes also a "Smalltalk mode"
you can also use the project in combination with
the attached patch changeset for WABrowser to
style your web served Seaside code browser/editor.
(Screenshot attached)

Look at http://codemirror.net/mode/smalltalk/index.html
to try the mode online.

Have fun!


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CodeMirrorInWABrowser.1.cs (2K) Download Attachment
styled.png (44K) Download Attachment