[ANN] Foliage: a static site generator

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[ANN] Foliage: a static site generator


I’ve been toying around with a web site generator the last months. Some people were showing interest and asked me to release it. It is still pretty basic but I manage my blog with it . I’m all open ears about what you think, what doesn’t work and what is missing.

Please read about it 

Hopy you like it,


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Re: [ANN] Foliage: a static site generator

Esteban A. Maringolo
Hi Norbert,

Thanks for sharing it!

ps: In spanish a sheet of paper and a tree leaf also share the same
word, so "Follaje" means the same thing.

Esteban A. Maringolo

On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 11:11 AM Norbert Hartl <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I’ve been toying around with a web site generator the last months. Some people were showing interest and asked me to release it. It is still pretty basic but I manage my blog with it . I’m all open ears about what you think, what doesn’t work and what is missing.
> Please read about it
> https://norbert.hartl.name/blog/2021-01-17-foliage-released.html
> Hopy you like it,
> Norbert
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Re: [ANN] Foliage: a static site generator

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2
In reply to this post by NorbertHartl
Pretty cool! Thanks Norbert. BTW I'm using your Mustache library and
Futures patch for building Brea (explained below), so triple thanks :-).

On a similar front I'm building Brea, which is kind of between a static
site generators, because it builds a web site from Markdown files
(thanks to Pandoc) and a deucopled CMS because it provides an API to
query the site and its data thanks to Fossil. As usual, Pharo glues all
together and brings dynamic data manipulation.

We have been documenting it pretty actively (in Spanish) in [1] and the
source code repository is at [2]. Brea follows the self referential
tradition of Smalltalk/Pharo so the site at [1] is done in Brea.

The idea is pretty simple: a HTML5UP[3] base template site (see [3a]),
is downloaded and a Mustache template (see [3b]) is build from it so a
set of Markdown files can be injected in such template to produce the
correspondent HTML output (see [3c]). Everything is versioned in Fossil,
which provides us with an integrated web UI with version control. The
template page can have sparks of JavaScript here and there to extent the
site functionality (like in JamStack[4] approach). For example, by
clicking  the marker at the top right of the page[5] you can get the
page comments[5], powered by hypothesis[5b]. Page metadata for such
extended functionality or linking the page with the repository is stored
as YAML front page or added at creation time.

The code to install a theme is at [6] and to  create a page on [6a].
Notice that page creation is only 7 lines, while extra lines are related
with metadata for extra functionality.

As we advance mainly by community workshops and projects on a voluntary
basis (and with microgrants like the one of ESUG, which makes a
macro-difference here), now our community explorations led us more
towards the dynamic counterpart of web site creation, this time
combining Fossil, TiddlyWiki and Pharo [7][7a]. So Brea is a little bit
quiet after last year ending. I hope once we have matured the dynamic
web site counterpart we can retake this again and build momentum around
such projects.

So, I think Pharo is getting to an interesting point regarding web site
generation and is good to have a panoramic overview of what is possible,
even with this early developments like Foliage and Brea.



== Links:

[1] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/
[2] https://code.tupale.co/Offray/Brea
[3] https://html5up.net/
[3a] https://html5up.net/editorial
[4] https://jamstack.org/
[5] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/doc/trunk/docs/es/index.html
[6] http://ws.stfx.eu/OOAPJW34PAWW
[6a] http://ws.stfx.eu/6990ECTMZRNY
[7] https://fossil-scm.org/forum/forumpost/c650e4c2cd?t=h

On 18/01/21 9:11 a. m., Norbert Hartl wrote:

> Hi,
> I’ve been toying around with a web site generator the last months.
> Some people were showing interest and asked me to release it. It is
> still pretty basic but I manage my blog with it . I’m all open ears
> about what you think, what doesn’t work and what is missing.
> Please read about it 
> https://norbert.hartl.name/blog/2021-01-17-foliage-released.html
> <https://norbert.hartl.name/blog/2021-01-17-foliage-released.html>
> Hopy you like it,
> Norbert
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Re: [ANN] Foliage: a static site generator

Thank you for the kind works. And thank you very much for bring tiddlywiki back to my mind. I was looking into when scanning tools for note taking. But I think this can be an addition for foliage. I will see if it works like I want to be.


> Am 19.01.2021 um 00:57 schrieb Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]>:
> Pretty cool! Thanks Norbert. BTW I'm using your Mustache library and
> Futures patch for building Brea (explained below), so triple thanks :-).
> On a similar front I'm building Brea, which is kind of between a static
> site generators, because it builds a web site from Markdown files
> (thanks to Pandoc) and a deucopled CMS because it provides an API to
> query the site and its data thanks to Fossil. As usual, Pharo glues all
> together and brings dynamic data manipulation.
> We have been documenting it pretty actively (in Spanish) in [1] and the
> source code repository is at [2]. Brea follows the self referential
> tradition of Smalltalk/Pharo so the site at [1] is done in Brea.
> The idea is pretty simple: a HTML5UP[3] base template site (see [3a]),
> is downloaded and a Mustache template (see [3b]) is build from it so a
> set of Markdown files can be injected in such template to produce the
> correspondent HTML output (see [3c]). Everything is versioned in Fossil,
> which provides us with an integrated web UI with version control. The
> template page can have sparks of JavaScript here and there to extent the
> site functionality (like in JamStack[4] approach). For example, by
> clicking  the marker at the top right of the page[5] you can get the
> page comments[5], powered by hypothesis[5b]. Page metadata for such
> extended functionality or linking the page with the repository is stored
> as YAML front page or added at creation time.
> The code to install a theme is at [6] and to  create a page on [6a].
> Notice that page creation is only 7 lines, while extra lines are related
> with metadata for extra functionality.
> As we advance mainly by community workshops and projects on a voluntary
> basis (and with microgrants like the one of ESUG, which makes a
> macro-difference here), now our community explorations led us more
> towards the dynamic counterpart of web site creation, this time
> combining Fossil, TiddlyWiki and Pharo [7][7a]. So Brea is a little bit
> quiet after last year ending. I hope once we have matured the dynamic
> web site counterpart we can retake this again and build momentum around
> such projects.
> So, I think Pharo is getting to an interesting point regarding web site
> generation and is good to have a panoramic overview of what is possible,
> even with this early developments like Foliage and Brea.
> Cheers,
> Offray
> == Links:
> [1] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/
> [2] https://code.tupale.co/Offray/Brea
> [3] https://html5up.net/
> [3a] https://html5up.net/editorial
> [3b]
> https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/doc/trunk/docs/es/pagina.mus.html
> [3c]
> https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/tree?ci=trunk&type=tree&name=docs/es
> [4] https://jamstack.org/
> [5] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/doc/trunk/docs/es/index.html
> [5a]
> https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmutabit.com%2Frepos.fossil%2Findieweb%2Fdoc%2Ftrunk%2Fdocs%2Fes%2Findex.html&group=__world__
> [5b]
> [6] http://ws.stfx.eu/OOAPJW34PAWW
> [6a] http://ws.stfx.eu/6990ECTMZRNY
> [7] https://fossil-scm.org/forum/forumpost/c650e4c2cd?t=h
> [7a]
> https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/offray-blog/uv/bliki/index.html#Portfolio
> On 18/01/21 9:11 a. m., Norbert Hartl wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’ve been toying around with a web site generator the last months.
>> Some people were showing interest and asked me to release it. It is
>> still pretty basic but I manage my blog with it . I’m all open ears
>> about what you think, what doesn’t work and what is missing.
>> Please read about it
>> https://norbert.hartl.name/blog/2021-01-17-foliage-released.html
>> <https://norbert.hartl.name/blog/2021-01-17-foliage-released.html>
>> Hopy you like it,
>> Norbert
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Re: [ANN] Foliage: a static site generator

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2

Our static site generator explorations last semester led me towards
TiddlyWiki for the more dynamic counterpart of such sites. In our case
is for creating miniwikis and notes connected with HedgeDoc, the real
time Markdown editor we use in our workshops, but that could be just the
tip of the iceberg. For example you may be interested in Proyectify[1],
from Nicolas, the same author behind Amber Smalltalk:

[1] https://projectify.wiki/

What I would like is to use Pharo as a development platform for the
TiddlyWiki target/deployment platform, but that's for another thread.



On 19/01/21 5:29 a. m., Norbert Hartl wrote:

> Thank you for the kind works. And thank you very much for bring tiddlywiki back to my mind. I was looking into when scanning tools for note taking. But I think this can be an addition for foliage. I will see if it works like I want to be.
> Norbert
>> Am 19.01.2021 um 00:57 schrieb Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]>:
>> Pretty cool! Thanks Norbert. BTW I'm using your Mustache library and
>> Futures patch for building Brea (explained below), so triple thanks :-).
>> On a similar front I'm building Brea, which is kind of between a static
>> site generators, because it builds a web site from Markdown files
>> (thanks to Pandoc) and a deucopled CMS because it provides an API to
>> query the site and its data thanks to Fossil. As usual, Pharo glues all
>> together and brings dynamic data manipulation.
>> We have been documenting it pretty actively (in Spanish) in [1] and the
>> source code repository is at [2]. Brea follows the self referential
>> tradition of Smalltalk/Pharo so the site at [1] is done in Brea.
>> The idea is pretty simple: a HTML5UP[3] base template site (see [3a]),
>> is downloaded and a Mustache template (see [3b]) is build from it so a
>> set of Markdown files can be injected in such template to produce the
>> correspondent HTML output (see [3c]). Everything is versioned in Fossil,
>> which provides us with an integrated web UI with version control. The
>> template page can have sparks of JavaScript here and there to extent the
>> site functionality (like in JamStack[4] approach). For example, by
>> clicking  the marker at the top right of the page[5] you can get the
>> page comments[5], powered by hypothesis[5b]. Page metadata for such
>> extended functionality or linking the page with the repository is stored
>> as YAML front page or added at creation time.
>> The code to install a theme is at [6] and to  create a page on [6a].
>> Notice that page creation is only 7 lines, while extra lines are related
>> with metadata for extra functionality.
>> As we advance mainly by community workshops and projects on a voluntary
>> basis (and with microgrants like the one of ESUG, which makes a
>> macro-difference here), now our community explorations led us more
>> towards the dynamic counterpart of web site creation, this time
>> combining Fossil, TiddlyWiki and Pharo [7][7a]. So Brea is a little bit
>> quiet after last year ending. I hope once we have matured the dynamic
>> web site counterpart we can retake this again and build momentum around
>> such projects.
>> So, I think Pharo is getting to an interesting point regarding web site
>> generation and is good to have a panoramic overview of what is possible,
>> even with this early developments like Foliage and Brea.
>> Cheers,
>> Offray
>> == Links:
>> [1] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/
>> [2] https://code.tupale.co/Offray/Brea
>> [3] https://html5up.net/
>> [3a] https://html5up.net/editorial
>> [3b]
>> https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/doc/trunk/docs/es/pagina.mus.html
>> [3c]
>> https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/tree?ci=trunk&type=tree&name=docs/es
>> [4] https://jamstack.org/
>> [5] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/doc/trunk/docs/es/index.html
>> [5a]
>> https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmutabit.com%2Frepos.fossil%2Findieweb%2Fdoc%2Ftrunk%2Fdocs%2Fes%2Findex.html&group=__world__
>> [5b]
>> [6] http://ws.stfx.eu/OOAPJW34PAWW
>> [6a] http://ws.stfx.eu/6990ECTMZRNY
>> [7] https://fossil-scm.org/forum/forumpost/c650e4c2cd?t=h
>> [7a]
>> https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/offray-blog/uv/bliki/index.html#Portfolio
>> On 18/01/21 9:11 a. m., Norbert Hartl wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I’ve been toying around with a web site generator the last months.
>>> Some people were showing interest and asked me to release it. It is
>>> still pretty basic but I manage my blog with it . I’m all open ears
>>> about what you think, what doesn’t work and what is missing.
>>> Please read about it
>>> https://norbert.hartl.name/blog/2021-01-17-foliage-released.html
>>> <https://norbert.hartl.name/blog/2021-01-17-foliage-released.html>
>>> Hopy you like it,
>>> Norbert