I have added the following tool to my web site:
CJDLookup - (D5) (!New! 6-12-2002) Context sensitive code completion.
Variables, classes and messages can be looked up and inserted based on the
code context. It is a little like the code completion in VB. I guess I am
biased, but I think this is very cool. ;)
I have updated the following tool for Dolphin 5, and added a new option:
PresenterGenerator - (D5, D4 available) (!New! 6-12-2002 Enhanced and
updated for Dolphin 5.0) After you create a view with named sub views
(textboxes, etc...) the presenter generator will create some boilerplate
presenter code for you. Presenter instance variables will be created and a
createComponents method will be produced. My code will handle sub classed
presenters (it knows not to recreate super class presenters). This version
allows configuration of the presenter variable postfix.
These packages can be downloaded from my Dolphin Smalltalk website here
http://www.mitchellscientific.com/smalltalk/ . There is comprehensive
documentation and screen shots on the site. Enjoy and feel free to contact
me with any questions or comments.