[ANN] Glamour on Seaside - first version

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[ANN] Glamour on Seaside - first version

Tudor Girba

We are happy to announce the first version of Glamour on Seaside. This work was carried out by Andrei Vasile Chis and was sponsored by ESUG. The project offers a Seaside-based rendering of Glamour browsers. In other words, once you have a browser in Glamour, you can now simply display it on the web.

You can obtain the code in two ways:
- Nightly built image:
- Metacello configuration loadable in Pharo 1.1 (not Core)
Gofer new
        squeaksource: 'Glamour';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfGlamourSeaside';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlamourSeaside) loadDefault.

A couple of examples are available on the Moose server:
http://online.moosetechnology.org/glamour/basicExamples (a number of example browsers)
http://online.moosetechnology.org/moose/metaBrowser (a browser for the meta-model of Moose)

Several developments are planned for the near future, so stay tuned for more news.

We would highly appreciate any kind of feedback.

Andrei and Doru

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