[ANN] Gravatar for Pharo Smalltalk

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[ANN] Gravatar for Pharo Smalltalk

Torsten Bergmann

The "Gravatar" project is a simple wrapper for the Gravatar API allowing you to get small avatar images for a given registered email address. You can easily access and use it in Pharo.

The project is located on STHub at http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~TorstenBergmann/Gravatar

To install just open the Pharo configuration browser and load "Gravatar" from there.
You can also install manually, read the docu on the project page.

Some examples:

    Gravatar imageURLFor: '[hidden email]'
If you require a different size just evaluate:

    Gravatar imageURLFor: '[hidden email]' size: 32.

If you need the real image you can use Pharos Zinc components suite to get the image form over HTTP and open it on your Pharo desk:

        form := ZnEasy getJpeg: (self imageURLFor: '[hidden email]').
        form asMorph openInWorld

In the end it is just a simple class - but I think it may be useful for
others too.


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Re: [ANN] Gravatar for Pharo Smalltalk

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
There is already code for that in the image:

(PharoUser new retrieveGravatarFromMail: '[hidden email]') openInWindow.

PharoUser is an odd class (this code should be on the class side).
Maybe both approaches can be combined ?
On 23 Apr 2014, at 13:44, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> The "Gravatar" project is a simple wrapper for the Gravatar API allowing you to get small avatar images for a given registered email address. You can easily access and use it in Pharo.
> The project is located on STHub at http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~TorstenBergmann/Gravatar
> To install just open the Pharo configuration browser and load "Gravatar" from there.
> You can also install manually, read the docu on the project page.
> Some examples:
>    Gravatar imageURLFor: '[hidden email]'
> If you require a different size just evaluate:
>    Gravatar imageURLFor: '[hidden email]' size: 32.
> If you need the real image you can use Pharos Zinc components suite to get the image form over HTTP and open it on your Pharo desk:
>    |form|
> form := ZnEasy getJpeg: (self imageURLFor: '[hidden email]').
> form asMorph openInWorld
> In the end it is just a simple class - but I think it may be useful for
> others too.
> Thx
> T.