[ANN] Instantiations presenting VAST at IoT online conference

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[ANN] Instantiations presenting VAST at IoT online conference

Mariano Martinez Peck
Greetings all, 

We are happy to announce that Instantiations will be presenting at the RIoT Developer Month online conference on Sept 23th. We will give two talks:

9:30-10:30am ET – Instantiations: Faster & More Efficient: JITs for IoT

10:30-11:30am ET – Instantiations: Improve Debugging for IoT

For more info about this online event checkout:

BTW, most of the information in both presentations could be applied to all VAST usage, not just for IoT, so we encourage you to attend even if you're not creating IoT or edge computing applications.  

Hope you can make it!

Best regards,

Mariano Martinez Peck

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Re: [ANN] Instantiations presenting VAST at IoT online conference

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi everyone,

This is just a reminder that our presentations are tomorrow! 

Hope you see you there, 

Best regards,

On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 5:48 PM Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Greetings all, 

We are happy to announce that Instantiations will be presenting at the RIoT Developer Month online conference on Sept 23th. We will give two talks:

9:30-10:30am ET – Instantiations: Faster & More Efficient: JITs for IoT

10:30-11:30am ET – Instantiations: Improve Debugging for IoT

For more info about this online event checkout:

BTW, most of the information in both presentations could be applied to all VAST usage, not just for IoT, so we encourage you to attend even if you're not creating IoT or edge computing applications.  

Hope you can make it!

Best regards,

Mariano Martinez Peck

Mariano Martinez Peck

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Re: [ANN] Instantiations presenting VAST at IoT online conference

Mariano Martinez Peck
Thanks to everyone who attended last week's Developer Month sessions on JITs and Remote Debugging! 
If you couldn't make it, watch the recordings here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyiuMODhNGbwhqeJiI6G-0d21oromyZ0O


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Re: [ANN] Instantiations presenting VAST at IoT online conference

Santiago Bragagnolo
Genial! Thanks it was impossible for me. Ill watch it tonight.

El jue., 1 oct. 2020 a las 22:36, Mariano Martinez Peck (<[hidden email]>) escribió:
Thanks to everyone who attended last week's Developer Month sessions on JITs and Remote Debugging! 
If you couldn't make it, watch the recordings here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyiuMODhNGbwhqeJiI6G-0d21oromyZ0O


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