Dear All,
We are happy to announce an update of Roassal on VisualWorks. Roassal is a visualization engine made to visualize pretty much anything. Roassal offers visualization template (called Builder in the Roassal jargon) to easily draw charts, pie, polymetric views, geographical maps and much more.
Roassal offers mind-blowing animations. Visualizing, animating and interacting with your objects is now trivial. We made a short trailer about Roassal running on VisualWorks: is under construction. The Agile Visualization book deeply describes Roassal (however from a Pharo point of view):
http://agilevisualization.comRoassal runs on vw8.0pul and under earlier versions under OSX and Windows (we have not tried under linux). Roassal requires sunit and cairo to be loaded. Loading the RBSUnitExtension parcel then loading Roassal2-full from Cincom Store should be enough to enjoy Roassal at its best.
Note that apparently some definitions in Cairo Graphics Kit are not loadable (CGK.CairoActionButtonView). However this will not impact Roassal at all.
Roassal is released under the MIT license.
Here is a screenshot as appetizer.
We would like to thanks our sponsors and contributors for making this happen! You are really enabling a great part of our fun!
The Object Profile team
Alexandre Bergel^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
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