[ANN] MessageTally in GTInspector

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[ANN] MessageTally in GTInspector

Tudor Girba-2

The GTInspector just became a performance analysis tool, too. You can simply inspect a MessageTally and you get several useful views that help you identify performance problems.

You can read a more detailed description here:

As an appetizer, I attached a screenshot with a Graph-ET chart (thank you Daniel Aviv for developing this engine).

Inline image 1

To play with the code, you can just work in the latest Moose 5.0 image:

Please let me know what you think.



"Every thing has its own flow"
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Re: [Pharo-dev] [ANN] MessageTally in GTInspector

Marcus Denker-4

On 19 Jan 2014, at 00:30, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:


The GTInspector just became a performance analysis tool, too. You can simply inspect a MessageTally and you get several useful views that help you identify performance problems.

You can read a more detailed description here:

As an appetizer, I attached a screenshot with a Graph-ET chart (thank you Daniel Aviv for developing this engine).

Very nice… using visualisation everywhere in the IDE could be extremely interesting… 
Does graphET already have support for Sparklines?

This could be interesting to embed small visuals like that everywhere (not just for time related

Of course I have no idea for what for real… ;-)
