Hi Stef,
Very good action indeed! Thanks specially to you for more and more
excellent initiatives in a recent time.
I was just on track to become a mini-sponsor of ESUG and what we can do
now is to "compensate" sponsorship and maybe free attendances on ESUG
conferences with a support on my two projects:
- Swazoo
- Aida/Web (including forthcoming Scribo CMS)
For the later we can later make some other arrangement too, because Aida
community is growing with more and more active participants. Maybe a
free attendance on our conferences for most active Aiders?
Just FYI, some high profile Seaside projects are switching to Aida...
Best regards
stephane ducasse wrote:
> ESUG wants to support your projects. It can be projects related to
> software development, teaching, conference presence, etc.
> Rules
> • Describe your project in one page max
> • Give us a motivation and a budget: why should we give you our
> money and how much?
> • Give us all the data that you think makes sense for us to
> understand why you apply
> • If your project is software development it must be open-source and
> must be in Smalltalk
> Stef
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