[ANN] Pharo-1.1.1-dev10.09.1

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[ANN] Pharo-1.1.1-dev10.09.1

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi folks. We are releasing Pharo 1.1.1. This image is exactly same as Pharo 1.1 but based on PharoCore 1.1.1. The versions of the external packages is the same as in Pharo 1.1. The difference is that PharoCore1.1.1 has integrated some fixes and the support for CogVM. This means that Pharo-1.1.1-dev10.09.1 can be run with both, normal PharoVM and CogVM. For CogVM we recommend to use the last binaries that can be found in http://www.mirandabanda.org/files/Cog/VM/. Right now the last one is http://www.mirandabanda.org/files/Cog/VM/VM.r2313/

This CogVM version fixes the problem with "Objects as methods", and thus, all the #run:with:with are working. This means that tools like TestCoverage and AutoTest are working correctly with CogVM.

The link to the image is: https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/27543/Pharo-1.1.1-dev10.09.1.zip



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Re: [ANN] Pharo-1.1.1-dev10.09.1

Tudor Girba


On 1 Oct 2010, at 09:55, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

> Hi folks. We are releasing Pharo 1.1.1. This image is exactly same as Pharo 1.1 but based on PharoCore 1.1.1. The versions of the external packages is the same as in Pharo 1.1. The difference is that PharoCore1.1.1 has integrated some fixes and the support for CogVM. This means that Pharo-1.1.1-dev10.09.1 can be run with both, normal PharoVM and CogVM. For CogVM we recommend to use the last binaries that can be found in http://www.mirandabanda.org/files/Cog/VM/. Right now the last one is http://www.mirandabanda.org/files/Cog/VM/VM.r2313/
> This CogVM version fixes the problem with "Objects as methods", and thus, all the #run:with:with are working. This means that tools like TestCoverage and AutoTest are working correctly with CogVM.
> The link to the image is: https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/27543/Pharo-1.1.1-dev10.09.1.zip
> Cheers
> Mariano
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