[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member: Ryerson University

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[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member: Ryerson University

Marcus Denker-4
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that the Ryerson University has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.

- Ryerson University: https://www.ryerson.ca
- Pharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.org

The goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.

Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Association:

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Re: [ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member: Ryerson University

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2
Congrats on the new member and if any of the member is here, welcome.

On a related note, would be nice to have, at least for academic members,
a short paragraph on the use cases, success stories or research lines
where they are using Pharo. Maybe it could be part of a poll or a form,
so we could know/imagine about possible synergies.



On 9/06/20 3:06 a. m., Marcus Denker wrote:

> The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that the Ryerson
> University has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.
> About
> - Ryerson University: https://www.ryerson.ca
> - Pharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.org
> The goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and
> institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.
> Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Association:
> - http://association.pharo.org