[ANN] Pharo Glorp port release

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[ANN] Pharo Glorp port release

Guillermo Polito

We are reaaaaally happy to announce (at last) a very very stable release of the new Glorp port :D.  We've done a lot to achieve the following results with Glorp:

OpenDBX Oracle:
- 7 errors related to Blobs, which are not supported by opendbx.
- 1 failure related to timestamp cast (and I don't understand the test intention yet :P)

OpenDBX MySql:
- 100% green tests :D

OpenDBX PostgreSQL:
- 7 errors and 1 failure related to Blobs, which are not supported by opendbx (again).

OpenDBX SQLite:
- 6 failures related to large objects, which are not supported by opendbx (again again).. 2 (expected) failures related to times & dates.

Native PostgresV2 Driver:
- 2 failures with blobs

So far, some FAQs:

¿What is the difference between this port and the old one?
Almost 4 years of work of the VW team with tons of bugfixing (see the last 4 years release notes from Glorp for more detail :P)

¿How can I load it?
If you want to load Glorp + OpenDBX, you can try the following:

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX';
(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load

Also, you can try loading only Glorp (maybe because you want to integrate it with your own database driver):

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorp';
(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorp) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load

¿How did we test it?
We've tested it in Pharo 1.2 and Pharo 1.3 + Jenkins CogVms.

¿What's coming next?
We are working for your happiness (?).

Hehe, our next step is to release the DBXMagritte project, which aims to allow people working in the Software business to create easy CRUD -the same scaffolding idea from RoR for example- including some of the following features:

- (create a class model + magritte descriptions) from a database schema
- [if you already have a descripted class model] use magritte descriptions to create a database schema
- use magritte descriptions to create glorp mappings

And then, you can use the same descriptions for your Seaside app, or in every magritte-friend framework you like ;)

So, thanks again to ESUG for sponsoring the project :).

Guillermo, Santiago, Gisela, Mariano, Esteban and Diogenes

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Re: [ANN] Pharo Glorp port release

stephane ducasse-2
Excellent news!


On Sep 26, 2011, at 6:43 AM, Guillermo Polito wrote:

> Hi!
> We are reaaaaally happy to announce (at last) a very very stable release of the new Glorp port :D.  We've done a lot to achieve the following results with Glorp:
> OpenDBX Oracle:
> - 7 errors related to Blobs, which are not supported by opendbx.
> - 1 failure related to timestamp cast (and I don't understand the test intention yet :P)
> OpenDBX MySql:
> - 100% green tests :D
> OpenDBX PostgreSQL:
> - 7 errors and 1 failure related to Blobs, which are not supported by opendbx (again).
> OpenDBX SQLite:
> - 6 failures related to large objects, which are not supported by opendbx (again again).. 2 (expected) failures related to times & dates.
> Native PostgresV2 Driver:
> - 2 failures with blobs
> So far, some FAQs:
> ¿What is the difference between this port and the old one?
> Almost 4 years of work of the VW team with tons of bugfixing (see the last 4 years release notes from Glorp for more detail :P)
> ¿How can I load it?
> If you want to load Glorp + OpenDBX, you can try the following:
> Gofer it
>     squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>     package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX';
>     load.
> (((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load
> Also, you can try loading only Glorp (maybe because you want to integrate it with your own database driver):
> Gofer it
>     squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>     package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorp';
>     load.
> (((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorp) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load
> ¿How did we test it?
> We've tested it in Pharo 1.2 and Pharo 1.3 + Jenkins CogVms.
> ¿What's coming next?
> We are working for your happiness (?).
> Hehe, our next step is to release the DBXMagritte project, which aims to allow people working in the Software business to create easy CRUD -the same scaffolding idea from RoR for example- including some of the following features:
> - (create a class model + magritte descriptions) from a database schema
> - [if you already have a descripted class model] use magritte descriptions to create a database schema
> - use magritte descriptions to create glorp mappings
> And then, you can use the same descriptions for your Seaside app, or in every magritte-friend framework you like ;)
> So, thanks again to ESUG for sponsoring the project :).
> Guillermo, Santiago, Gisela, Mariano, Esteban and Diogenes
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Re: [ANN] Pharo Glorp port release

In reply to this post by Guillermo Polito
When trying that out in a freshly downloaded Pharo 1.3, I got an MNU on #display sent to Transcript

On Sep 26, 2011, at 12:43 AM, Guillermo Polito wrote:


We are reaaaaally happy to announce (at last) a very very stable release of the new Glorp port :D.  We've done a lot to achieve the following results with Glorp:

OpenDBX Oracle:
- 7 errors related to Blobs, which are not supported by opendbx.
- 1 failure related to timestamp cast (and I don't understand the test intention yet :P)

OpenDBX MySql:
- 100% green tests :D

OpenDBX PostgreSQL:
- 7 errors and 1 failure related to Blobs, which are not supported by opendbx (again).

OpenDBX SQLite:
- 6 failures related to large objects, which are not supported by opendbx (again again).. 2 (expected) failures related to times & dates.

Native PostgresV2 Driver:
- 2 failures with blobs

So far, some FAQs:

¿What is the difference between this port and the old one?
Almost 4 years of work of the VW team with tons of bugfixing (see the last 4 years release notes from Glorp for more detail :P)

¿How can I load it?
If you want to load Glorp + OpenDBX, you can try the following:

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX';
(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load

Also, you can try loading only Glorp (maybe because you want to integrate it with your own database driver):

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorp';
(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorp) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load

¿How did we test it?
We've tested it in Pharo 1.2 and Pharo 1.3 + Jenkins CogVms.

¿What's coming next?
We are working for your happiness (?).

Hehe, our next step is to release the DBXMagritte project, which aims to allow people working in the Software business to create easy CRUD -the same scaffolding idea from RoR for example- including some of the following features:

- (create a class model + magritte descriptions) from a database schema
- [if you already have a descripted class model] use magritte descriptions to create a database schema
- use magritte descriptions to create glorp mappings

And then, you can use the same descriptions for your Seaside app, or in every magritte-friend framework you like ;)

So, thanks again to ESUG for sponsoring the project :).

Guillermo, Santiago, Gisela, Mariano, Esteban and Diogenes
Esug-list mailing list
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Re: [ANN] Pharo Glorp port release

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 4:18 PM, James Robertson <[hidden email]> wrote:
When trying that out in a freshly downloaded Pharo 1.3, I got an MNU on #display sent to Transcript

Yes, sorry for the stupid mistake and thanks for letting us know. Please take
#postLoadGlorpDriverDBXTalkPharo  and comment the line "Transcript display." and proceed :)
We will fix it now anyway.



On Sep 26, 2011, at 12:43 AM, Guillermo Polito wrote:


We are reaaaaally happy to announce (at last) a very very stable release of the new Glorp port :D.  We've done a lot to achieve the following results with Glorp:

OpenDBX Oracle:
- 7 errors related to Blobs, which are not supported by opendbx.
- 1 failure related to timestamp cast (and I don't understand the test intention yet :P)

OpenDBX MySql:
- 100% green tests :D

OpenDBX PostgreSQL:
- 7 errors and 1 failure related to Blobs, which are not supported by opendbx (again).

OpenDBX SQLite:
- 6 failures related to large objects, which are not supported by opendbx (again again).. 2 (expected) failures related to times & dates.

Native PostgresV2 Driver:
- 2 failures with blobs

So far, some FAQs:

¿What is the difference between this port and the old one?
Almost 4 years of work of the VW team with tons of bugfixing (see the last 4 years release notes from Glorp for more detail :P)

¿How can I load it?
If you want to load Glorp + OpenDBX, you can try the following:

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX';
(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load

Also, you can try loading only Glorp (maybe because you want to integrate it with your own database driver):

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorp';
(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorp) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load

¿How did we test it?
We've tested it in Pharo 1.2 and Pharo 1.3 + Jenkins CogVms.

¿What's coming next?
We are working for your happiness (?).

Hehe, our next step is to release the DBXMagritte project, which aims to allow people working in the Software business to create easy CRUD -the same scaffolding idea from RoR for example- including some of the following features:

- (create a class model + magritte descriptions) from a database schema
- [if you already have a descripted class model] use magritte descriptions to create a database schema
- use magritte descriptions to create glorp mappings

And then, you can use the same descriptions for your Seaside app, or in every magritte-friend framework you like ;)

So, thanks again to ESUG for sponsoring the project :).

Guillermo, Santiago, Gisela, Mariano, Esteban and Diogenes
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Re: [ANN] Pharo Glorp port release

I figured that out easily enough.  The next question I have is - where can I find current doc for using the lower level OpenDBX piece?  I'm trying to connect to PostgreSQL on my Mac, if that matters

On Sep 26, 2011, at 10:20 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 4:18 PM, James Robertson <[hidden email]> wrote:
When trying that out in a freshly downloaded Pharo 1.3, I got an MNU on #display sent to Transcript

Yes, sorry for the stupid mistake and thanks for letting us know. Please take
#postLoadGlorpDriverDBXTalkPharo  and comment the line "Transcript display." and proceed :)
We will fix it now anyway.



On Sep 26, 2011, at 12:43 AM, Guillermo Polito wrote:


We are reaaaaally happy to announce (at last) a very very stable release of the new Glorp port :D.  We've done a lot to achieve the following results with Glorp:

OpenDBX Oracle:
- 7 errors related to Blobs, which are not supported by opendbx.
- 1 failure related to timestamp cast (and I don't understand the test intention yet :P)

OpenDBX MySql:
- 100% green tests :D

OpenDBX PostgreSQL:
- 7 errors and 1 failure related to Blobs, which are not supported by opendbx (again).

OpenDBX SQLite:
- 6 failures related to large objects, which are not supported by opendbx (again again).. 2 (expected) failures related to times & dates.

Native PostgresV2 Driver:
- 2 failures with blobs

So far, some FAQs:

¿What is the difference between this port and the old one?
Almost 4 years of work of the VW team with tons of bugfixing (see the last 4 years release notes from Glorp for more detail :P)

¿How can I load it?
If you want to load Glorp + OpenDBX, you can try the following:

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX';
(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load

Also, you can try loading only Glorp (maybe because you want to integrate it with your own database driver):

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorp';
(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorp) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load

¿How did we test it?
We've tested it in Pharo 1.2 and Pharo 1.3 + Jenkins CogVms.

¿What's coming next?
We are working for your happiness (?).

Hehe, our next step is to release the DBXMagritte project, which aims to allow people working in the Software business to create easy CRUD -the same scaffolding idea from RoR for example- including some of the following features:

- (create a class model + magritte descriptions) from a database schema
- [if you already have a descripted class model] use magritte descriptions to create a database schema
- use magritte descriptions to create glorp mappings

And then, you can use the same descriptions for your Seaside app, or in every magritte-friend framework you like ;)

So, thanks again to ESUG for sponsoring the project :).

Guillermo, Santiago, Gisela, Mariano, Esteban and Diogenes
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Re: [ANN] Pharo Glorp port release

Guillermo Polito
While we update the site,  I'd recommend you the draft PBE chapter of DBXTalk-OpenDBXDriver :).


On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 11:52 AM, James Robertson <[hidden email]> wrote:
I figured that out easily enough.  The next question I have is - where can I find current doc for using the lower level OpenDBX piece?  I'm trying to connect to PostgreSQL on my Mac, if that matters

On Sep 26, 2011, at 10:20 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 4:18 PM, James Robertson <[hidden email]> wrote:
When trying that out in a freshly downloaded Pharo 1.3, I got an MNU on #display sent to Transcript

Yes, sorry for the stupid mistake and thanks for letting us know. Please take
#postLoadGlorpDriverDBXTalkPharo  and comment the line "Transcript display." and proceed :)
We will fix it now anyway.



On Sep 26, 2011, at 12:43 AM, Guillermo Polito wrote:


We are reaaaaally happy to announce (at last) a very very stable release of the new Glorp port :D.  We've done a lot to achieve the following results with Glorp:

OpenDBX Oracle:
- 7 errors related to Blobs, which are not supported by opendbx.
- 1 failure related to timestamp cast (and I don't understand the test intention yet :P)

OpenDBX MySql:
- 100% green tests :D

OpenDBX PostgreSQL:
- 7 errors and 1 failure related to Blobs, which are not supported by opendbx (again).

OpenDBX SQLite:
- 6 failures related to large objects, which are not supported by opendbx (again again).. 2 (expected) failures related to times & dates.

Native PostgresV2 Driver:
- 2 failures with blobs

So far, some FAQs:

¿What is the difference between this port and the old one?
Almost 4 years of work of the VW team with tons of bugfixing (see the last 4 years release notes from Glorp for more detail :P)

¿How can I load it?
If you want to load Glorp + OpenDBX, you can try the following:

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX';
(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load

Also, you can try loading only Glorp (maybe because you want to integrate it with your own database driver):

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorp';
(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorp) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load

¿How did we test it?
We've tested it in Pharo 1.2 and Pharo 1.3 + Jenkins CogVms.

¿What's coming next?
We are working for your happiness (?).

Hehe, our next step is to release the DBXMagritte project, which aims to allow people working in the Software business to create easy CRUD -the same scaffolding idea from RoR for example- including some of the following features:

- (create a class model + magritte descriptions) from a database schema
- [if you already have a descripted class model] use magritte descriptions to create a database schema
- use magritte descriptions to create glorp mappings

And then, you can use the same descriptions for your Seaside app, or in every magritte-friend framework you like ;)

So, thanks again to ESUG for sponsoring the project :).

Guillermo, Santiago, Gisela, Mariano, Esteban and Diogenes
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Re: [ANN] Pharo Glorp port release

Mariano Martinez Peck
In reply to this post by Guillermo Polito

So, thanks again to ESUG for sponsoring the project :).

And thanks to Alan for all his help and effort in Glorp.

Guillermo, Santiago, Gisela, Mariano, Esteban and Diogenes

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Re: [ANN] Pharo Glorp port release

In reply to this post by Guillermo Polito

DBXTalk is good work!
I really love to see that stuff going forward!

Before I spend a lot of time playing around: has anybody tried using Pharo/GLORP/ODBC (Access or SQLSrv) on Windows?
Or Pharo/GLORP/SQLite on Windows?
Is there some place on the web where I can find info on how to set this up?

In an open source context, this is probably a heretic question, and if I could choose freely, Linux and PostgresQL would be my favorite.
OTOH: The fact that each windows installation comes with an Access engine and respective ODBC driver makes the combination very attractive for starting something on a windows machine really fast. No installation of anything but Pharo, no need for admin rights or anything. Just set up the odbc driver and off you go! Great chance to show the strength of Smalltalk and Glorp to other team members and friends...
SQLite is a similar story: copy the dlls onto the machine and the journey can start.


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Re: [ANN] Pharo Glorp port release

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:56 PM, [hidden email] <[hidden email]> wrote:

DBXTalk is good work!
I really love to see that stuff going forward!

Before I spend a lot of time playing around: has anybody tried using Pharo/GLORP/ODBC (Access or SQLSrv) on Windows?

Yes, but I have to admit that it's almost the most complicated scenario to configure. At least I know someone tried Pharo/Glorp/ODBC/SQL Server.
I think you can just give it a try. Get the dll of OpenDBX (they are in our website), get a Pharo VM that has a working FFI, and give it a try.
Or Pharo/GLORP/SQLite on Windows?

Yes, this works almost out of the box. In fact, I can provide you a zip that contains Pharo VM + image + opendbx dll + sqlite dll.
Is there some place on the web where I can find info on how to set this up?

In an open source context, this is probably a heretic question, and if I could choose freely, Linux and PostgresQL would be my favorite.

Sure, that's pretty easy. OpenDBX and PostgreSQL are easy to make it work in Linux.
OTOH: The fact that each windows installation comes with an Access engine and respective ODBC driver makes the combination very attractive for starting something on a windows machine really fast. No installation of anything but Pharo, no need for admin rights or anything. Just set up the odbc driver and off you go! Great chance to show the strength of Smalltalk and Glorp to other team members and friends...

well more or less. In the case of DBX you will need the OpenDBX library anyway, even if being ODBC. OpenDBX sees ODBC just as another backend. And of course, that's only if you like accessing by ODBC (which I don't like BTW).  Of course, you can create a database driver for Glorp that uses the ODBC driver of squeak in which case you wouldn't need the OpenDBX driver.
SQLite is a similar story: copy the dlls onto the machine and the journey can start.

yes, that's even easier. As I say, it can be provided in a "DBXOneClick" :)



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