[ANN] ScriptManager 1.7 Release for upcoming Pharo 3.0

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[ANN] ScriptManager 1.7 Release for upcoming Pharo 3.0

Torsten Bergmann
Thanks to Sven van Caekenberghe the ScriptManager tool hosted in project


now also provides the ability to import/export not only to a single
binary fuel file but also to a folder with readable scripts.

This is a good idea and may also help to use external editors
or versioning systems like git or others on the custom scripts.

I also reworked the menues to be in alignment with the common style
and polished the package for Pharo 3.0 as a new release version 1.7.

Just open the config browser in Pharo 3.0 and load "ScriptManager".
After loading it will be available under Tools -> ScriptManager.

Have fun

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Re: [Pharo-dev] [ANN] ScriptManager 1.7 Release for upcoming Pharo 3.0

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
Hi Torsten,

On 11 Feb 2014, at 22:12, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Thanks to Sven van Caekenberghe the ScriptManager tool hosted in project
>  http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~TorstenBergmann/ScriptManager/
> now also provides the ability to import/export not only to a single
> binary fuel file but also to a folder with readable scripts.
> This is a good idea and may also help to use external editors
> or versioning systems like git or others on the custom scripts.
> I also reworked the menues to be in alignment with the common style
> and polished the package for Pharo 3.0 as a new release version 1.7.
> Just open the config browser in Pharo 3.0 and load "ScriptManager".
> After loading it will be available under Tools -> ScriptManager.
> Have fun
> T.

Thanks for including this.

The only 'issue' that I had is that the line end convention used for writing the workspaces is CR (at least on my Mac), which is not cool when you want to work with the files outside the image (should be Unix style LF). Now, the File Browser does the same when creating files, as does Workspace when exporting. That is why I left it like that.

BTW: I have been using your Bootstrap code all day long and it is seriously cool - I will have feedback in the coming weeks ;-)
