[ANN] Seaside 3.0.7 release

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[ANN] Seaside 3.0.7 release

This is the error:

3 April 2012 6:24:51 pm

VM: Mac OS - intel - 1073 - Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-IgorStasenko.123] 21.0
Image: Pharo1.3 [Latest update: #13315]

Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
Arguments and temporary variables: 
aString: 'Could not resolve: Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket [Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-Steph...etc...
Receiver's instance variables: 
spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
operator: #'>='
loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
disablePackageCache: false

Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
Arguments and temporary variables: 
<<error during printing>
Receiver's instance variables: 
spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
operator: #'>='
loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
disablePackageCache: false

[| references nearestReference cachedReference externalReference loadedVersionInfos mcVersion |
self flag: #cleanup.
cachedReference := self resolvePackageSpec: packageSpec cachedGofer: self loaderPolicy cacheGofer.
(cachedReference ~~ nil
and: [packageSpec getFile ~~ nil])
ifTrue: [cachedReference name = packageSpec file
ifTrue: [^ self]].
references := self retryingResolvePackageSpecReferences: packageSpec gofer: gofer.
nearestReference := references last asMetacelloCachingResolvedReference.
(cachedReference ~~ nil
and: [cachedReference name = nearestReference name])
ifTrue: [^ self].
(self ignoreImage not
and: [(loadedVersionInfos := self ancestorsFor: packageSpec) ~~ nil])
ifTrue: [loadedVersionInfos
do: [:info | 
info name = nearestReference name
ifTrue: [^ self].
externalReference := (references
select: [:ref | ref name = nearestReference name]) first asMetacelloCachingResolvedReference.
self repositoryMap at: externalReference name put: externalReference repository.
resolveDependencies: externalReference
nearest: nearestReference
into: (OrderedCollection with: nearestReference))
do: [:reference | 
| pSpec l |
mcVersion := reference version.
(l := (GoferVersionReference name: reference name)
resolveAllWith: self loaderPolicy cacheGofer) isEmpty
ifTrue: [self cacheRepository storeVersion: mcVersion.
reference == nearestReference
ifTrue: [pSpec := packageSpec]
ifFalse: [pSpec := packageSpec project packageSpec.
pSpec name: mcVersion info].
self loadData
addVersion: mcVersion
versionInfo: mcVersion info
resolvedReference: reference
packageSpec: pSpec]].
self loaderPolicy resetCacheGofer.
self preLoad: packageSpec.
loadPackage: packageSpec
externalReference: externalReference
loader: self)
addTo: self loadDirective.
self postLoad: packageSpec.
Transcript cr; show: 'Fetched -> ' , externalReference name , ' --- ' , externalReference repository description , ' --- ' , nearestReference repository description] in MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpec:gofer:
Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
Arguments and temporary variables: 
packageSpec: spec 
name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
requires: #('Zinc-HTTP' );
gofer: a MetacelloGofer
references: nil
nearestReference: nil
cachedReference: nil
externalReference: nil
loadedVersionInfos: nil
mcVersion: #(nil)
Receiver's instance variables: 
spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
operator: #'>='
loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
disablePackageCache: false

[:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2] in MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying:
Receiver: a MetacelloPharoPlatform
Arguments and temporary variables: 
aBlock: [:barValArg | 
| barVal return newBarSize |
barVal := barValArg.
bar: [| references nearestReference cachedReference externalReference loadedVer...etc...
Receiver's instance variables: 
bypassProgressBars: false
bypassGoferLoadUpdateCategories: false

[result := workBlock value: progress] in [[result := workBlock value: progress]
on: ProgressNotification
do: [:ex | 
ex extraParam isString
ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam].
ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
Arguments and temporary variables: 
progress: [:barValArg | 
| barVal return newBarSize |
barVal := barValArg.
result: #(nil)
Receiver's instance variables: 
messageText: nil
tag: nil
signaler: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
handlerContext: nil
outerContext: nil
workBlock: [:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2]
maxVal: 2
minVal: 0
aPoint: 216@177
progressTitle: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'

Receiver: [result := workBlock value: progress]
Arguments and temporary variables: 
exception: ProgressNotification
handlerAction: [:ex | 
ex extraParam isString
ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph un...etc...
handlerActive: true
Receiver's instance variables: 
outerContext: [[result := workBlock value: progress]
on: ProgressNotification...etc...
startpc: 87
numArgs: 0

[[result := workBlock value: progress]
on: ProgressNotification
do: [:ex | 
ex extraParam isString
ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam].
ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
Arguments and temporary variables: 
progress: [:barValArg | 
| barVal return newBarSize |
barVal := barValArg.
result: #(nil)
Receiver's instance variables: 
messageText: nil
tag: nil
signaler: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
handlerContext: nil
outerContext: nil
workBlock: [:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2]
maxVal: 2
minVal: 0
aPoint: 216@177
progressTitle: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'

Receiver: [[result := workBlock value: progress]
on: ProgressNotification
do: [:ex | 
ex extr...etc...
Arguments and temporary variables: 
aBlock: [SystemProgressMorph close: progress]
complete: nil
returnValue: nil
Receiver's instance variables: 
outerContext: ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
startpc: 81
numArgs: 0

Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
Arguments and temporary variables: 
progress: [:barValArg | 
| barVal return newBarSize |
barVal := barValArg.
result: #(nil)
Receiver's instance variables: 
messageText: nil
tag: nil
signaler: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
handlerContext: nil
outerContext: nil
workBlock: [:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2]
maxVal: 2
minVal: 0
aPoint: 216@177
progressTitle: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'

Receiver: a MorphicUIManager
Arguments and temporary variables: 
anException: ProgressInitiationException
Receiver's instance variables: 
interactiveParser: nil

Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
Arguments and temporary variables: 

Receiver's instance variables: 
messageText: nil
tag: nil
signaler: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
handlerContext: nil
outerContext: nil
workBlock: [:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2]
maxVal: 2
minVal: 0
aPoint: 216@177
progressTitle: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'

Receiver: nil
Arguments and temporary variables: 
exception: ProgressInitiationException
Receiver's instance variables: 

Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
Arguments and temporary variables: 
exception: ProgressInitiationException
val: nil
Receiver's instance variables: 
sender: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
pc: 17
stackp: 3
method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
closureOrNil: nil
receiver: [aBlock value]

Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
Arguments and temporary variables: 
exception: ProgressInitiationException
val: nil
Receiver's instance variables: 
sender: SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionAndDo:
pc: 17
stackp: 3
method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
closureOrNil: nil
receiver: [rcvr class evaluatorClass new
evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStr...etc...

Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
Arguments and temporary variables: 
exception: ProgressInitiationException
val: nil
Receiver's instance variables: 
sender: [[result := workBlock value: progress]
on: ProgressNotification
pc: 17
stackp: 3
method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
closureOrNil: nil
receiver: [result := workBlock value: progress]

Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
Arguments and temporary variables: 
exception: ProgressInitiationException
val: nil
Receiver's instance variables: 
sender: MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultD...etc...
pc: 17
stackp: 3
method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
closureOrNil: nil
receiver: [^ aBlock value: dict]

Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
Arguments and temporary variables: 
exception: ProgressInitiationException
val: nil
Receiver's instance variables: 
sender: MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultD...etc...
pc: 17
stackp: 3
method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
closureOrNil: nil
receiver: [^ aBlock value: dict]

Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
Arguments and temporary variables: 
exception: ProgressInitiationException
val: nil
Receiver's instance variables: 
sender: [[result := workBlock value: progress]
on: ProgressNotification
pc: 17
stackp: 3
method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
closureOrNil: nil
receiver: [result := workBlock value: progress]

Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
Arguments and temporary variables: 
exception: ProgressInitiationException
val: nil
Receiver's instance variables: 
sender: MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultD...etc...
pc: 17
stackp: 3
method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
closureOrNil: nil
receiver: [^ aBlock value: dict]

Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
Arguments and temporary variables: 

Receiver's instance variables: 
messageText: nil
tag: nil
signaler: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
handlerContext: nil
outerContext: nil
workBlock: [:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2]
maxVal: 2
minVal: 0
aPoint: 216@177
progressTitle: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'

Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
Arguments and temporary variables: 
argString: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
argPoint: 216@177
argMinVal: 0
argMaxVal: 2
argWorkBlock: [:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2]
Receiver's instance variables: 
messageText: nil
tag: nil
signaler: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
handlerContext: nil
outerContext: nil
workBlock: [:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2]
maxVal: 2
minVal: 0
aPoint: 216@177
progressTitle: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'

ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during:
Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
Arguments and temporary variables: 
aString: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
aPoint: 216@177
minVal: 0
maxVal: 2
workBlock: [:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2]
Receiver's instance variables: 
superclass: Exception
methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#defaultAction->(ProgressInitiationException>>#d...etc...
format: 152
instanceVariables: #('workBlock' 'maxVal' 'minVal' 'aPoint' 'progressTitle')
organization: ('*Morphic' defaultMorphicAction)
('accessing' maxVal minVal poin...etc...
subclasses: nil
name: #ProgressInitiationException
classPool: nil
sharedPools: nil
environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
category: #'UIManager-Support'
traitComposition: nil
localSelectors: nil

Receiver: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
Arguments and temporary variables: 
aPoint: 216@177
minVal: 0
maxVal: 2
workBlock: [:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2]
Receiver's instance variables: 
'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'

Receiver: a MetacelloPharoPlatform
Arguments and temporary variables: 
aBlock: [| references nearestReference cachedReference externalReference loaded...etc...
aString: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
Receiver's instance variables: 
bypassProgressBars: false
bypassGoferLoadUpdateCategories: false

Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
Arguments and temporary variables: 
packageSpec: spec 
name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
requires: #('Zinc-HTTP' );
gofer: a MetacelloGofer
Receiver's instance variables: 
spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
operator: #'>='
loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
disablePackageCache: false

Receiver: spec 
name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
requires: #('Zinc-HTTP' );
file: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPS...etc...
Arguments and temporary variables: 
aLoader: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZinc...etc...
gofer: a MetacelloGofer
Receiver's instance variables: 
project: ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents(1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfZincHTT...etc...
loader: nil
name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket'
requires: #('Zinc-HTTP')
includes: #()
answers: #()
file: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
repositories: spec

goferPackage: a MetacelloGoferPackage name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket'
preLoadDoIt: nil
postLoadDoIt: nil

[:pkg | pkg loadUsing: self gofer: gofer] in MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
Arguments and temporary variables: 
gofer: spec 
name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
requires: #('Zinc-HTTP' );
pkg: a MetacelloGofer
Receiver's instance variables: 
spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
operator: #'>='
loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
disablePackageCache: false

Receiver: an OrderedCollection(spec 
name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
requires: #('Zinc-HTTP' );
Arguments and temporary variables: 
aBlock: [:pkg | pkg loadUsing: self gofer: gofer]
index: 3
Receiver's instance variables: 
array: an Array(nil nil spec 
name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
requires: #('Zin...etc...
firstIndex: 3
lastIndex: 3

Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
Arguments and temporary variables: 
packageSpecs: an OrderedCollection(spec 
name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
repositories: an OrderedCollection(a MCHttpRepository(http://www.squeaksource.c...etc...
gofer: a MetacelloGofer
Receiver's instance variables: 
spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
operator: #'>='
loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
disablePackageCache: false

[super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repositories: repositories] in MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
Arguments and temporary variables: 
packageSpecs: an OrderedCollection(spec 
name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
repositories: an OrderedCollection(a MCHttpRepository(http://www.squeaksource.c...etc...
Receiver's instance variables: 
spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
operator: #'>='
loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
disablePackageCache: false

Receiver: [super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repositories: repositories]
Arguments and temporary variables: 
aBlock: [loadDirective := oldRoot]
complete: nil
returnValue: nil
Receiver's instance variables: 
outerContext: MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositorie...etc...
startpc: 33
numArgs: 0

Receiver: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
Arguments and temporary variables: 
aLoaderDirective: linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents]
aBlock: [super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repositories: repositories]...etc...
oldRoot: linear load : 3.0.7 [ConfigurationOfSeaside30]
explicit load : 1.0.7 ...etc...
Receiver's instance variables: 
overrideRepositories: nil
repositoryMap: a Dictionary('ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser-GuillermoPolito.154'->a...etc...
ensuredMap: a Dictionary('Grease Core'->#latest 'Grease Core Tests'->#latest 'G...etc...
cacheRepository: a MCDictionaryRepository(cache)
cacheGofer: a Gofer
ignoreImage: false
loadData: a MetacelloLoadData
loadDirective: linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents]
silently: false

Receiver: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
Arguments and temporary variables: 
aBlock: [super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repositories: repositories]...etc...
aLoader: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZinc...etc...
Receiver's instance variables: 
overrideRepositories: nil
repositoryMap: a Dictionary('ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser-GuillermoPolito.154'->a...etc...
ensuredMap: a Dictionary('Grease Core'->#latest 'Grease Core Tests'->#latest 'G...etc...
cacheRepository: a MCDictionaryRepository(cache)
cacheGofer: a Gofer
ignoreImage: false
loadData: a MetacelloLoadData
loadDirective: linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents]
silently: false

Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
Arguments and temporary variables: 
packageSpecs: an OrderedCollection(spec 
name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
repositories: an OrderedCollection(a MCHttpRepository(http://www.squeaksource.c...etc...
Receiver's instance variables: 
spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
operator: #'>='
loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
disablePackageCache: false

Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
Arguments and temporary variables: 
repos: an OrderedCollection(a MCHttpRepository(http://www.squeaksource.com/Zinc...etc...
Receiver's instance variables: 
spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
operator: #'>='
loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
disablePackageCache: false

Receiver: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
Arguments and temporary variables: 
mcLoader: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZin...etc...
Receiver's instance variables: 
versionSpec: spec blessing: #'development'.
spec description: '- Move Seaside s...etc...
required: a Set('Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket' 'Zinc-Zodiac' 'Zinc-Tests' 'Zinc-HTTP' ...etc...
packages: a Dictionary('Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket'->spec 
name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSo...etc...
loader: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincH...etc...
loaderPolicy: nil

Receiver: <>1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents]
Arguments and temporary variables: 
anArray: a Set('Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket' 'Zinc-Zodiac' 'Zinc-Tests' 'Zinc-HTTP' '...etc...
loader: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
mcLoader: nil
Receiver's instance variables: 
spec: spec blessing: #'development'.
spec description: '- Move Seaside support ...etc...
versionNumber: 1.2
importedVersions: an OrderedCollection('1.2-baseline')
versionStatus: #somethingLoaded
loaderPolicy: nil

[:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray] in [self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
MetacelloPlatform current
useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
defaultDictionary: Dictionary new] in [[self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
MetacelloPlatform current
useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
Receiver: <>1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents]
Arguments and temporary variables: 
anArray: a Dictionary(#ancestors->a Dictionary(size 202) #currentVersion->a Dic...etc...
dict: a Set('Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket' 'Zinc-Zodiac' 'Zinc-Tests' 'Zinc-HTTP' 'Zod...etc...
Receiver's instance variables: 
spec: spec blessing: #'development'.
spec description: '- Move Seaside support ...etc...
versionNumber: 1.2
importedVersions: an OrderedCollection('1.2-baseline')
versionStatus: #somethingLoaded
loaderPolicy: nil

[^ aBlock value: dict] in MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary:
Receiver: a MetacelloPharoPlatform
Arguments and temporary variables: 
aBlock: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
dict: a Dictionary(#ancestors->a Dictionary(size 202) #currentVersion->a Dictio...etc...
Receiver's instance variables: 
bypassProgressBars: false
bypassGoferLoadUpdateCategories: false

--- The full stack ---
[| references nearestReference cachedReference externalReference loadedVersionInfos mcVersion |
self flag: #cleanup.
cachedReference := self resolvePackageSpec: packageSpec cachedGofer: self loaderPolicy cacheGofer.
(cachedReference ~~ nil
and: [packageSpec getFile ~~ nil])
ifTrue: [cachedReference name = packageSpec file
ifTrue: [^ self]].
references := self retryingResolvePackageSpecReferences: packageSpec gofer: gofer.
nearestReference := references last asMetacelloCachingResolvedReference.
(cachedReference ~~ nil
and: [cachedReference name = nearestReference name])
ifTrue: [^ self].
(self ignoreImage not
and: [(loadedVersionInfos := self ancestorsFor: packageSpec) ~~ nil])
ifTrue: [loadedVersionInfos
do: [:info | 
info name = nearestReference name
ifTrue: [^ self].
externalReference := (references
select: [:ref | ref name = nearestReference name]) first asMetacelloCachingResolvedReference.
self repositoryMap at: externalReference name put: externalReference repository.
resolveDependencies: externalReference
nearest: nearestReference
into: (OrderedCollection with: nearestReference))
do: [:reference | 
| pSpec l |
mcVersion := reference version.
(l := (GoferVersionReference name: reference name)
resolveAllWith: self loaderPolicy cacheGofer) isEmpty
ifTrue: [self cacheRepository storeVersion: mcVersion.
reference == nearestReference
ifTrue: [pSpec := packageSpec]
ifFalse: [pSpec := packageSpec project packageSpec.
pSpec name: mcVersion info].
self loadData
addVersion: mcVersion
versionInfo: mcVersion info
resolvedReference: reference
packageSpec: pSpec]].
self loaderPolicy resetCacheGofer.
self preLoad: packageSpec.
loadPackage: packageSpec
externalReference: externalReference
loader: self)
addTo: self loadDirective.
self postLoad: packageSpec.
Transcript cr; show: 'Fetched -> ' , externalReference name , ' --- ' , externalReference repository description , ' --- ' , nearestReference repository description] in MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpec:gofer:
[:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2] in MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying:
[result := workBlock value: progress] in [[result := workBlock value: progress]
on: ProgressNotification
do: [:ex | 
ex extraParam isString
ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam].
ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
[[result := workBlock value: progress]
on: ProgressNotification
do: [:ex | 
ex extraParam isString
ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam].
ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during:
[:pkg | pkg loadUsing: self gofer: gofer] in MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
[super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repositories: repositories] in MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
[:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray] in [self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
MetacelloPlatform current
useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
defaultDictionary: Dictionary new] in [[self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
MetacelloPlatform current
useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
[^ aBlock value: dict] in MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary:
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
MetacelloPlatform current
useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
defaultDictionary: Dictionary new] in [[self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
MetacelloPlatform current
useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
[[self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
MetacelloPlatform current
useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
[:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2] in MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying:
[result := workBlock value: progress] in [[result := workBlock value: progress]
on: ProgressNotification
do: [:ex | 
ex extraParam isString
ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam].
ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
[[result := workBlock value: progress]
on: ProgressNotification
do: [:ex | 
ex extraParam isString
ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam].
ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during:
[:dict | 
| projectCache |
projectCache := dict
at: self projectClass
ifAbsent: [dict at: self projectClass put: Dictionary new].
at: vrsn
ifAbsent: [])
ifNil: [projectCache at: vrsn put: list]
ifNotNil: [:cachedList | 
(cachedList size = list size
and: [cachedList includesAllOf: list])
ifTrue: [^ self].
projectCache at: vrsn put: list].
mcLoader preLoad: self.
vrsn fetchRequiredFromArray: list.
mcLoader postLoad: self] in MetacelloMCProjectSpec>>loadVersion:
[^ aBlock value: dict] in MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary:
[:pkg | pkg loadUsing: self gofer: gofer] in MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
[super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repositories: repositories] in MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
[:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray] in [self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
MetacelloPlatform current
useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
defaultDictionary: Dictionary new] in [[self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
MetacelloPlatform current
useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
[^ aBlock value: dict] in MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary:
[self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
MetacelloPlatform current
useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
defaultDictionary: Dictionary new] in [[self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
MetacelloPlatform current
useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
[[self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
MetacelloPlatform current
useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
[:bar | 
bar value: 1.
aBlock value.
bar value: 2] in MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying:
[result := workBlock value: progress] in [[result := workBlock value: progress]
on: ProgressNotification
do: [:ex | 
ex extraParam isString
ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam].
ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
[[result := workBlock value: progress]
on: ProgressNotification
do: [:ex | 
ex extraParam isString
ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam].
ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during:
[| fetchLoader |
fetchLoader := self
fetchRequiredFromArray: (self defaultPackageNamesToLoad: anArray).
MetacelloPlatform current
do: [fetchLoader doLoad]
displaying: 'Loading ' , displayString.
Transcript cr; show: '...finished ' , self versionNumber printString.
^ fetchLoader] in MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray:
ConfigurationOfSeaside30 class>>load
[rcvr class evaluatorClass new
evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream
in: ctxt
to: rcvr
notifying: self morph
ifFail: [self morph flash.
^ nil]
logged: true] in SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionAndDo:
[textMorph editor evaluateSelection] in PluggableTextMorph>>doIt
[result := editBlock value] in PluggableTextMorph>>handleEdit:
[| selArgCount |
(selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0
ifTrue: [target perform: selector]
ifFalse: [selArgCount = arguments size
ifTrue: [target perform: selector withArguments: arguments]
ifFalse: [target
perform: selector
withArguments: (arguments copyWith: evt)]].
self changed] in ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent:
[ActiveHand := self.
ActiveEvent := anEvent.
result := focusHolder
handleFocusEvent: (anEvent
transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
[aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
[:h | 
ActiveHand := h.
h processEvents.
ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
[:h | 
ActiveHand := h.
h processEvents.
ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
[[World doOneCycle.
Processor yield.
false] whileFalse.
nil] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess
[self value.
Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess


seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: [ANN] Seaside 3.0.7 release

Dale Henrichs
The error is indicating that the file:

  Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-Steph...etc... (sorry the rest of the name was cut off in the log message)

cannot be found in your package-cache or the specified list of repositories (that appears to also be cutoff in the log message).

Without the details of the actual name of the mcz file and the name or names of the repositories I can't tell anything more:

there are a number of root causes for this particular error:

  - metacello error (shouldn't show up in latest metacello version)
  - configuration error (typo in spec)
  - monticello error (sometimes partial or empty lists returned from repository or invalid caches)


----- Original Message -----
| From: [hidden email]
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:25:42 AM
| Subject: [Seaside] [ANN] Seaside 3.0.7 release
| This is the error:
| 3 April 2012 6:24:51 pm
| VM: Mac OS - intel - 1073 - Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter
| VMMaker-oscog-IgorStasenko.123] 21.0
| Image: Pharo1.3 [Latest update: #13315]
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(Object)>>error:
| Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aString: 'Could not resolve: Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket
| [Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-Steph...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
| operator: #'>='
| loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
| disablePackageCache: false
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>retryingResolvePackageSpecReferences:gofer:
| Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| <<error during printing>
| Receiver's instance variables:
| spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
| operator: #'>='
| loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
| disablePackageCache: false
| [| references nearestReference cachedReference externalReference
| loadedVersionInfos mcVersion |
| self flag: #cleanup.
| cachedReference := self resolvePackageSpec: packageSpec cachedGofer:
| self loaderPolicy cacheGofer.
| (cachedReference ~~ nil
| and: [packageSpec getFile ~~ nil])
| ifTrue: [cachedReference name = packageSpec file
| ifTrue: [^ self]].
| references := self retryingResolvePackageSpecReferences: packageSpec
| gofer: gofer.
| nearestReference := references last
| asMetacelloCachingResolvedReference.
| (cachedReference ~~ nil
| and: [cachedReference name = nearestReference name])
| ifTrue: [^ self].
| (self ignoreImage not
| and: [(loadedVersionInfos := self ancestorsFor: packageSpec) ~~ nil])
| ifTrue: [loadedVersionInfos
| do: [:info |
| info name = nearestReference name
| ifTrue: [^ self].
| nil]].
| externalReference := (references
| select: [:ref | ref name = nearestReference name]) first
| asMetacelloCachingResolvedReference.
| self repositoryMap at: externalReference name put: externalReference
| repository.
| (self
| resolveDependencies: externalReference
| nearest: nearestReference
| into: (OrderedCollection with: nearestReference))
| do: [:reference |
| | pSpec l |
| mcVersion := reference version.
| (l := (GoferVersionReference name: reference name)
| resolveAllWith: self loaderPolicy cacheGofer) isEmpty
| ifTrue: [self cacheRepository storeVersion: mcVersion.
| reference == nearestReference
| ifTrue: [pSpec := packageSpec]
| ifFalse: [pSpec := packageSpec project packageSpec.
| pSpec name: mcVersion info].
| self loadData
| addVersion: mcVersion
| versionInfo: mcVersion info
| resolvedReference: reference
| packageSpec: pSpec]].
| self loaderPolicy resetCacheGofer.
| self preLoad: packageSpec.
| (MetacelloDirective
| loadPackage: packageSpec
| externalReference: externalReference
| loader: self)
| addTo: self loadDirective.
| self postLoad: packageSpec.
| Transcript cr; show: 'Fetched -> ' , externalReference name , ' --- '
| , externalReference repository description , ' --- ' ,
| nearestReference repository description] in
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpec:gofer:
| Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| packageSpec: spec
| name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
| requires: #('Zinc-HTTP' );
| ...etc...
| gofer: a MetacelloGofer
| references: nil
| nearestReference: nil
| cachedReference: nil
| externalReference: nil
| loadedVersionInfos: nil
| mcVersion: #(nil)
| Receiver's instance variables:
| spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
| operator: #'>='
| loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
| disablePackageCache: false
| [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2] in MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying:
| Receiver: a MetacelloPharoPlatform
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aBlock: [:barValArg |
| | barVal return newBarSize |
| barVal := barValArg.
| retur...etc...
| bar: [| references nearestReference cachedReference externalReference
| loadedVer...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| bypassProgressBars: false
| bypassGoferLoadUpdateCategories: false
| [result := workBlock value: progress] in [[result := workBlock value:
| progress]
| on: ProgressNotification
| do: [:ex |
| ex extraParam isString
| ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex
| extraParam].
| ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| progress: [:barValArg |
| | barVal return newBarSize |
| barVal := barValArg.
| ret...etc...
| result: #(nil)
| Receiver's instance variables:
| messageText: nil
| tag: nil
| signaler: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
| handlerContext: nil
| outerContext: nil
| workBlock: [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2]
| maxVal: 2
| minVal: 0
| aPoint: 216@177
| progressTitle: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| BlockClosure>>on:do:
| Receiver: [result := workBlock value: progress]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: ProgressNotification
| handlerAction: [:ex |
| ex extraParam isString
| ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph un...etc...
| handlerActive: true
| Receiver's instance variables:
| outerContext: [[result := workBlock value: progress]
| on: ProgressNotification...etc...
| startpc: 87
| numArgs: 0
| [[result := workBlock value: progress]
| on: ProgressNotification
| do: [:ex |
| ex extraParam isString
| ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex
| extraParam].
| ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| progress: [:barValArg |
| | barVal return newBarSize |
| barVal := barValArg.
| ret...etc...
| result: #(nil)
| Receiver's instance variables:
| messageText: nil
| tag: nil
| signaler: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
| handlerContext: nil
| outerContext: nil
| workBlock: [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2]
| maxVal: 2
| minVal: 0
| aPoint: 216@177
| progressTitle: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| Receiver: [[result := workBlock value: progress]
| on: ProgressNotification
| do: [:ex |
| ex extr...etc...
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aBlock: [SystemProgressMorph close: progress]
| complete: nil
| returnValue: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| outerContext: ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| startpc: 81
| numArgs: 0
| ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| progress: [:barValArg |
| | barVal return newBarSize |
| barVal := barValArg.
| ret...etc...
| result: #(nil)
| Receiver's instance variables:
| messageText: nil
| tag: nil
| signaler: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
| handlerContext: nil
| outerContext: nil
| workBlock: [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2]
| maxVal: 2
| minVal: 0
| aPoint: 216@177
| progressTitle: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| MorphicUIManager>>progressInitiationExceptionDefaultAction:
| Receiver: a MorphicUIManager
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| anException: ProgressInitiationException
| Receiver's instance variables:
| interactiveParser: nil
| ProgressInitiationException>>defaultAction
| Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| Receiver's instance variables:
| messageText: nil
| tag: nil
| signaler: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
| handlerContext: nil
| outerContext: nil
| workBlock: [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2]
| maxVal: 2
| minVal: 0
| aPoint: 216@177
| progressTitle: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| UndefinedObject>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: nil
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: ProgressInitiationException
| Receiver's instance variables:
| nil
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: ProgressInitiationException
| val: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| sender: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
| pc: 17
| stackp: 3
| method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
| closureOrNil: nil
| receiver: [aBlock value]
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: ProgressInitiationException
| val: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| sender: SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionAndDo:
| pc: 17
| stackp: 3
| method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
| closureOrNil: nil
| receiver: [rcvr class evaluatorClass new
| evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStr...etc...
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: ProgressInitiationException
| val: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| sender: [[result := workBlock value: progress]
| on: ProgressNotification
| do:...etc...
| pc: 17
| stackp: 3
| method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
| closureOrNil: nil
| receiver: [result := workBlock value: progress]
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: ProgressInitiationException
| val: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| sender:
| MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultD...etc...
| pc: 17
| stackp: 3
| method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
| closureOrNil: nil
| receiver: [^ aBlock value: dict]
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: ProgressInitiationException
| val: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| sender:
| MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultD...etc...
| pc: 17
| stackp: 3
| method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
| closureOrNil: nil
| receiver: [^ aBlock value: dict]
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: ProgressInitiationException
| val: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| sender: [[result := workBlock value: progress]
| on: ProgressNotification
| do:...etc...
| pc: 17
| stackp: 3
| method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
| closureOrNil: nil
| receiver: [result := workBlock value: progress]
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: ProgressInitiationException
| val: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| sender:
| MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultD...etc...
| pc: 17
| stackp: 3
| method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(701235200)")
| closureOrNil: nil
| receiver: [^ aBlock value: dict]
| ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
| Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| Receiver's instance variables:
| messageText: nil
| tag: nil
| signaler: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
| handlerContext: nil
| outerContext: nil
| workBlock: [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2]
| maxVal: 2
| minVal: 0
| aPoint: 216@177
| progressTitle: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| ProgressInitiationException>>display:at:from:to:during:
| Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| argString: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| argPoint: 216@177
| argMinVal: 0
| argMaxVal: 2
| argWorkBlock: [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2]
| Receiver's instance variables:
| messageText: nil
| tag: nil
| signaler: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
| handlerContext: nil
| outerContext: nil
| workBlock: [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2]
| maxVal: 2
| minVal: 0
| aPoint: 216@177
| progressTitle: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during:
| Receiver: ProgressInitiationException
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aString: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| aPoint: 216@177
| minVal: 0
| maxVal: 2
| workBlock: [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2]
| Receiver's instance variables:
| superclass: Exception
| methodDict: a
| MethodDictionary(#defaultAction->(ProgressInitiationException>>#d...etc...
| format: 152
| instanceVariables: #('workBlock' 'maxVal' 'minVal' 'aPoint'
| 'progressTitle')
| organization: ('*Morphic' defaultMorphicAction)
| ('accessing' maxVal minVal poin...etc...
| subclasses: nil
| name: #ProgressInitiationException
| classPool: nil
| sharedPools: nil
| environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
| category: #'UIManager-Support'
| traitComposition: nil
| localSelectors: nil
| ByteString(String)>>displayProgressAt:from:to:during:
| Receiver: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aPoint: 216@177
| minVal: 0
| maxVal: 2
| workBlock: [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2]
| Receiver's instance variables:
| 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying:
| Receiver: a MetacelloPharoPlatform
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aBlock: [| references nearestReference cachedReference
| externalReference loaded...etc...
| aString: 'Fetching Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| Receiver's instance variables:
| bypassProgressBars: false
| bypassGoferLoadUpdateCategories: false
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpec:gofer:
| Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| packageSpec: spec
| name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
| requires: #('Zinc-HTTP' );
| ...etc...
| gofer: a MetacelloGofer
| Receiver's instance variables:
| spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
| operator: #'>='
| loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
| disablePackageCache: false
| MetacelloPackageSpec>>loadUsing:gofer:
| Receiver: spec
| name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
| requires: #('Zinc-HTTP' );
| file: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPS...etc...
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aLoader: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZinc...etc...
| gofer: a MetacelloGofer
| Receiver's instance variables:
| project: ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents(1.0-baseline
| [ConfigurationOfZincHTT...etc...
| loader: nil
| name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket'
| requires: #('Zinc-HTTP')
| includes: #()
| answers: #()
| file: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket-StephaneDucasse.2'
| repositories: spec
| goferPackage: a MetacelloGoferPackage name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket'
| preLoadDoIt: nil
| postLoadDoIt: nil
| [:pkg | pkg loadUsing: self gofer: gofer] in
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
| Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| gofer: spec
| name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
| requires: #('Zinc-HTTP' );
| file:...etc...
| pkg: a MetacelloGofer
| Receiver's instance variables:
| spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
| operator: #'>='
| loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
| disablePackageCache: false
| OrderedCollection>>do:
| Receiver: an OrderedCollection(spec
| name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
| requires: #('Zinc-HTTP' );
| fi...etc...
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aBlock: [:pkg | pkg loadUsing: self gofer: gofer]
| index: 3
| Receiver's instance variables:
| array: an Array(nil nil spec
| name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
| requires: #('Zin...etc...
| firstIndex: 3
| lastIndex: 3
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
| Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| packageSpecs: an OrderedCollection(spec
| name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
| requi...etc...
| repositories: an OrderedCollection(a MCHttpRepository(
| http://www.squeaksource.c. ..etc...
| gofer: a MetacelloGofer
| Receiver's instance variables:
| spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
| operator: #'>='
| loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
| disablePackageCache: false
| [super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repositories:
| repositories] in
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
| Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| packageSpecs: an OrderedCollection(spec
| name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
| requi...etc...
| repositories: an OrderedCollection(a MCHttpRepository(
| http://www.squeaksource.c. ..etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
| operator: #'>='
| loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
| disablePackageCache: false
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| Receiver: [super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repositories:
| repositories]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aBlock: [loadDirective := oldRoot]
| complete: nil
| returnValue: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| outerContext:
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositorie...etc...
| startpc: 33
| numArgs: 0
| MetacelloLoaderPolicy>>pushLoadDirective:during:
| Receiver: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aLoaderDirective: linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents]
| aBlock: [super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repositories:
| repositories]...etc...
| oldRoot: linear load : 3.0.7 [ConfigurationOfSeaside30]
| explicit load : 1.0.7 ...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| overrideRepositories: nil
| repositoryMap: a
| Dictionary('ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser-GuillermoPolito.154'->a...etc...
| ensuredMap: a Dictionary('Grease Core'->#latest 'Grease Core
| Tests'->#latest 'G...etc...
| cacheRepository: a MCDictionaryRepository(cache)
| cacheGofer: a Gofer
| ignoreImage: false
| loadData: a MetacelloLoadData
| loadDirective: linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents]
| silently: false
| MetacelloLoaderPolicy>>pushLinearLoadDirectivesDuring:for:
| Receiver: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aBlock: [super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repositories:
| repositories]...etc...
| aLoader: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZinc...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| overrideRepositories: nil
| repositoryMap: a
| Dictionary('ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser-GuillermoPolito.154'->a...etc...
| ensuredMap: a Dictionary('Grease Core'->#latest 'Grease Core
| Tests'->#latest 'G...etc...
| cacheRepository: a MCDictionaryRepository(cache)
| cacheGofer: a Gofer
| ignoreImage: false
| loadData: a MetacelloLoadData
| loadDirective: linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents]
| silently: false
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
| Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| packageSpecs: an OrderedCollection(spec
| name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';
| requi...etc...
| repositories: an OrderedCollection(a MCHttpRepository(
| http://www.squeaksource.c. ..etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
| operator: #'>='
| loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
| disablePackageCache: false
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>load
| Receiver: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents])
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| repos: an OrderedCollection(a MCHttpRepository(
| http://www.squeaksource.com/Zinc...etc. ..
| Receiver's instance variables:
| spec: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
| operator: #'>='
| loaderPolicy: a MetacelloLoaderPolicy
| disablePackageCache: false
| MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader>>load
| Receiver: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| mcLoader: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZin...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| versionSpec: spec blessing: #'development'.
| spec description: '- Move Seaside s...etc...
| required: a Set('Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket' 'Zinc-Zodiac' 'Zinc-Tests'
| 'Zinc-HTTP' ...etc...
| packages: a Dictionary('Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket'->spec
| name: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSo...etc...
| loader: a MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(linear load : 1.2
| [ConfigurationOfZincH...etc...
| loaderPolicy: nil
| MetacelloMCVersion>>executeLoadFromArray:
| Receiver: <>1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| anArray: a Set('Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket' 'Zinc-Zodiac' 'Zinc-Tests'
| 'Zinc-HTTP' '...etc...
| loader: a MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader
| mcLoader: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| spec: spec blessing: #'development'.
| spec description: '- Move Seaside support ...etc...
| versionNumber: 1.2
| importedVersions: an OrderedCollection('1.2-baseline')
| versionStatus: #somethingLoaded
| loaderPolicy: nil
| [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray] in [self versionSpec
| loader: newLoader.
| MetacelloPlatform current
| useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| defaultDictionary: Dictionary new] in [[self versionSpec loader:
| newLoader.
| MetacelloPlatform current
| useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
| ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in
| MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
| Receiver: <>1.2 [ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| anArray: a Dictionary(#ancestors->a Dictionary(size 202)
| #currentVersion->a Dic...etc...
| dict: a Set('Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket' 'Zinc-Zodiac' 'Zinc-Tests'
| 'Zinc-HTTP' 'Zod...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| spec: spec blessing: #'development'.
| spec description: '- Move Seaside support ...etc...
| versionNumber: 1.2
| importedVersions: an OrderedCollection('1.2-baseline')
| versionStatus: #somethingLoaded
| loaderPolicy: nil
| [^ aBlock value: dict] in
| MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary:
| Receiver: a MetacelloPharoPlatform
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aBlock: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| dict: a Dictionary(#ancestors->a Dictionary(size 202)
| #currentVersion->a Dictio...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| bypassProgressBars: false
| bypassGoferLoadUpdateCategories: false
| --- The full stack ---
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(Object)>>error:
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>retryingResolvePackageSpecReferences:gofer:
| [| references nearestReference cachedReference externalReference
| loadedVersionInfos mcVersion |
| self flag: #cleanup.
| cachedReference := self resolvePackageSpec: packageSpec cachedGofer:
| self loaderPolicy cacheGofer.
| (cachedReference ~~ nil
| and: [packageSpec getFile ~~ nil])
| ifTrue: [cachedReference name = packageSpec file
| ifTrue: [^ self]].
| references := self retryingResolvePackageSpecReferences: packageSpec
| gofer: gofer.
| nearestReference := references last
| asMetacelloCachingResolvedReference.
| (cachedReference ~~ nil
| and: [cachedReference name = nearestReference name])
| ifTrue: [^ self].
| (self ignoreImage not
| and: [(loadedVersionInfos := self ancestorsFor: packageSpec) ~~ nil])
| ifTrue: [loadedVersionInfos
| do: [:info |
| info name = nearestReference name
| ifTrue: [^ self].
| nil]].
| externalReference := (references
| select: [:ref | ref name = nearestReference name]) first
| asMetacelloCachingResolvedReference.
| self repositoryMap at: externalReference name put: externalReference
| repository.
| (self
| resolveDependencies: externalReference
| nearest: nearestReference
| into: (OrderedCollection with: nearestReference))
| do: [:reference |
| | pSpec l |
| mcVersion := reference version.
| (l := (GoferVersionReference name: reference name)
| resolveAllWith: self loaderPolicy cacheGofer) isEmpty
| ifTrue: [self cacheRepository storeVersion: mcVersion.
| reference == nearestReference
| ifTrue: [pSpec := packageSpec]
| ifFalse: [pSpec := packageSpec project packageSpec.
| pSpec name: mcVersion info].
| self loadData
| addVersion: mcVersion
| versionInfo: mcVersion info
| resolvedReference: reference
| packageSpec: pSpec]].
| self loaderPolicy resetCacheGofer.
| self preLoad: packageSpec.
| (MetacelloDirective
| loadPackage: packageSpec
| externalReference: externalReference
| loader: self)
| addTo: self loadDirective.
| self postLoad: packageSpec.
| Transcript cr; show: 'Fetched -> ' , externalReference name , ' --- '
| , externalReference repository description , ' --- ' ,
| nearestReference repository description] in
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpec:gofer:
| [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2] in MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying:
| [result := workBlock value: progress] in [[result := workBlock value:
| progress]
| on: ProgressNotification
| do: [:ex |
| ex extraParam isString
| ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex
| extraParam].
| ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| BlockClosure>>on:do:
| [[result := workBlock value: progress]
| on: ProgressNotification
| do: [:ex |
| ex extraParam isString
| ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex
| extraParam].
| ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| MorphicUIManager>>progressInitiationExceptionDefaultAction:
| ProgressInitiationException>>defaultAction
| UndefinedObject>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
| ProgressInitiationException>>display:at:from:to:during:
| ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during:
| ByteString(String)>>displayProgressAt:from:to:during:
| MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying:
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpec:gofer:
| MetacelloPackageSpec>>loadUsing:gofer:
| [:pkg | pkg loadUsing: self gofer: gofer] in
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
| OrderedCollection>>do:
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
| [super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repositories:
| repositories] in
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| MetacelloLoaderPolicy>>pushLoadDirective:during:
| MetacelloLoaderPolicy>>pushLinearLoadDirectivesDuring:for:
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>load
| MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader>>load
| MetacelloMCVersion>>executeLoadFromArray:
| [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray] in [self versionSpec
| loader: newLoader.
| MetacelloPlatform current
| useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| defaultDictionary: Dictionary new] in [[self versionSpec loader:
| newLoader.
| MetacelloPlatform current
| useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
| ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in
| MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
| [^ aBlock value: dict] in
| MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary:
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| BlockClosure>>on:do:
| MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary:
| [self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
| MetacelloPlatform current
| useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| defaultDictionary: Dictionary new] in [[self versionSpec loader:
| newLoader.
| MetacelloPlatform current
| useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
| ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in
| MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| [[self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
| MetacelloPlatform current
| useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
| ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in
| MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
| [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2] in MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying:
| [result := workBlock value: progress] in [[result := workBlock value:
| progress]
| on: ProgressNotification
| do: [:ex |
| ex extraParam isString
| ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex
| extraParam].
| ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| BlockClosure>>on:do:
| [[result := workBlock value: progress]
| on: ProgressNotification
| do: [:ex |
| ex extraParam isString
| ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex
| extraParam].
| ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| MorphicUIManager>>progressInitiationExceptionDefaultAction:
| ProgressInitiationException>>defaultAction
| UndefinedObject>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
| ProgressInitiationException>>display:at:from:to:during:
| ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during:
| ByteString(String)>>displayProgressAt:from:to:during:
| MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying:
| MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
| [:dict |
| | projectCache |
| projectCache := dict
| at: self projectClass
| ifAbsent: [dict at: self projectClass put: Dictionary new].
| (projectCache
| at: vrsn
| ifAbsent: [])
| ifNil: [projectCache at: vrsn put: list]
| ifNotNil: [:cachedList |
| (cachedList size = list size
| and: [cachedList includesAllOf: list])
| ifTrue: [^ self].
| projectCache at: vrsn put: list].
| mcLoader preLoad: self.
| vrsn fetchRequiredFromArray: list.
| mcLoader postLoad: self] in MetacelloMCProjectSpec>>loadVersion:
| [^ aBlock value: dict] in
| MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary:
| BlockClosure>>on:do:
| MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary:
| MetacelloMCProjectSpec>>loadVersion:
| MetacelloMCProjectSpec>>load
| MetacelloProjectReferenceSpec>>loadUsing:gofer:
| [:pkg | pkg loadUsing: self gofer: gofer] in
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
| OrderedCollection>>do:
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
| [super linearLoadPackageSpecs: packageSpecs repositories:
| repositories] in
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| MetacelloLoaderPolicy>>pushLoadDirective:during:
| MetacelloLoaderPolicy>>pushLinearLoadDirectivesDuring:for:
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories:
| MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>load
| MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader>>load
| MetacelloMCVersion>>executeLoadFromArray:
| [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray] in [self versionSpec
| loader: newLoader.
| MetacelloPlatform current
| useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| defaultDictionary: Dictionary new] in [[self versionSpec loader:
| newLoader.
| MetacelloPlatform current
| useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
| ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in
| MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
| [^ aBlock value: dict] in
| MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary:
| BlockClosure>>on:do:
| MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary:
| [self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
| MetacelloPlatform current
| useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| defaultDictionary: Dictionary new] in [[self versionSpec loader:
| newLoader.
| MetacelloPlatform current
| useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
| ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in
| MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| [[self versionSpec loader: newLoader.
| MetacelloPlatform current
| useStackCacheDuring: [:dict | ^ self executeLoadFromArray: anArray]
| defaultDictionary: Dictionary new]
| ensure: [self versionSpec loader: originalLoader]] in
| MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
| [:bar |
| bar value: 1.
| aBlock value.
| bar value: 2] in MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying:
| [result := workBlock value: progress] in [[result := workBlock value:
| progress]
| on: ProgressNotification
| do: [:ex |
| ex extraParam isString
| ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex
| extraParam].
| ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| BlockClosure>>on:do:
| [[result := workBlock value: progress]
| on: ProgressNotification
| do: [:ex |
| ex extraParam isString
| ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex
| extraParam].
| ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
| MorphicUIManager>>progressInitiationExceptionDefaultAction:
| ProgressInitiationException>>defaultAction
| UndefinedObject>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
| ProgressInitiationException>>display:at:from:to:during:
| ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during:
| ByteString(String)>>displayProgressAt:from:to:during:
| MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying:
| MetacelloMCVersion>>fetchRequiredFromArray:
| [| fetchLoader |
| fetchLoader := self
| fetchRequiredFromArray: (self defaultPackageNamesToLoad: anArray).
| MetacelloPlatform current
| do: [fetchLoader doLoad]
| displaying: 'Loading ' , displayString.
| Transcript cr; show: '...finished ' , self versionNumber printString.
| ^ fetchLoader] in MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray:
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray:
| MetacelloMCVersion>>load
| ConfigurationOfSeaside30 class>>load
| UndefinedObject>>DoIt
| Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:logged:
| [rcvr class evaluatorClass new
| evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream
| in: ctxt
| to: rcvr
| notifying: self morph
| ifFail: [self morph flash.
| ^ nil]
| logged: true] in SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionAndDo:
| BlockClosure>>on:do:
| SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionAndDo:
| SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelection
| [textMorph editor evaluateSelection] in PluggableTextMorph>>doIt
| [result := editBlock value] in PluggableTextMorph>>handleEdit:
| TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>handleEdit:
| PluggableTextMorph>>handleEdit:
| PluggableTextMorph>>doIt
| Workspace(StringHolder)>>perform:orSendTo:
| [| selArgCount |
| (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0
| ifTrue: [target perform: selector]
| ifFalse: [selArgCount = arguments size
| ifTrue: [target perform: selector withArguments: arguments]
| ifFalse: [target
| perform: selector
| withArguments: (arguments copyWith: evt)]].
| self changed] in ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent:
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| CursorWithMask(Cursor)>>showWhile:
| ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent:
| ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>mouseUp:
| ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>handleMouseUp:
| MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo:
| ToggleMenuItemMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with:
| ToggleMenuItemMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with:
| MenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using:
| MenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:
| MenuMorph>>handleFocusEvent:
| [ActiveHand := self.
| ActiveEvent := anEvent.
| result := focusHolder
| handleFocusEvent: (anEvent
| transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in
| HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
| [aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
| BlockClosure>>on:do:
| PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
| HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
| HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear:
| HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent:
| HandMorph>>handleEvent:
| HandMorph>>processEvents
| [:h |
| ActiveHand := h.
| h processEvents.
| ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
| Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
| WorldState>>handsDo:
| WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
| WorldState>>doOneCycleFor:
| WorldState>>doOneSubCycleFor:
| PasteUpMorph>>doOneSubCycle
| MenuMorph>>invokeModalAt:in:allowKeyboard:
| MenuMorph>>invokeModal:
| MenuMorph>>invokeModal
| PluggableTextMorph>>yellowButtonActivity:
| TextMorphForEditView>>mouseDown:
| TextMorphForEditView(Morph)>>handleMouseDown:
| MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo:
| TextMorphForEditView(Morph)>>handleEvent:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchMouseDown:with:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with:
| TextMorphForEditView(Morph)>>processEvent:using:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchMouseDown:with:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with:
| TransformMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchMouseDown:with:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with:
| PluggableTextMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchMouseDown:with:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with:
| SystemWindow(Morph)>>processEvent:using:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchMouseDown:with:
| MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with:
| PasteUpMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using:
| PasteUpMorph>>processEvent:using:
| PasteUpMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:
| HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear:
| HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent:
| HandMorph>>handleEvent:
| HandMorph>>processEvents
| [:h |
| ActiveHand := h.
| h processEvents.
| ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
| Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
| WorldState>>handsDo:
| WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
| WorldState>>doOneCycleFor:
| PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle
| [[World doOneCycle.
| Processor yield.
| false] whileFalse.
| nil] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess
| [self value.
| Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
| Thanks
| _______________________________________________
| seaside mailing list
| [hidden email]
| http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]