ANN: Simple video game developed in Dolphin Smalltalk released with source code...

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ANN: Simple video game developed in Dolphin Smalltalk released with source code...

Christopher J. Demers
I have developed a simple video game in Dolphin Smalltalk and have released
it with source code.  It is a very simple "tank shoots flying saucers" type
game.  It demonstrates one way to use objects to model this type of game.
The drawing is done on a DoubleBufferedView.  The download ZIP includes both
an EXE and a PAC.

You can learn more about it here .



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Re: Simple video game developed in Dolphin Smalltalk released with source code...

Bill Schwab-2

Your game reminds me a little of a _very_ additive game involving tanks.
Basically, it crammed up to ten(??) tanks, taking turns firing; those not
controlled by players were computer controlled, using various algorithms.
The borders of the screen were at times elastic.  Some of the computer
personalities were very good and very bad, respectively, at handling the
rebounding walls.  Explosions had a way of erroding the ground =:0

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Simple video game developed in Dolphin Smalltalk released with source code...

Andy Bower
In reply to this post by Christopher J. Demers
Hey Chris,

> I have developed a simple video game in Dolphin Smalltalk and have
> it with source code.  It is a very simple "tank shoots flying saucers"
> game.  It demonstrates one way to use objects to model this type of game.
> The drawing is done on a DoubleBufferedView.  The download ZIP includes
> an EXE and a PAC.
> You can learn more about it here
> .

This is groovy. If nothing else it shows that a complete Smalltalk
application (exe, graphics, sounds*and* source no less) can be distributed
in a 600K package.

My only comment is regarding the "gameplay". I found that, after destroying
the first few saucers, I could sit my tank towards the LHS of the screen and
just hold down the space bar to get continuous firing which would kill new
saucers as they entered and allow me the chance to get on with other work
:-). Perhaps you need some sort of "overheat" on your gun that only allows
it to launch a certain number of projectiles before waiting to recharge?
Also I might like my missiles to be a different colour from those of the

Great job.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Object Arts Ltd.
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Simple video game developed in Dolphin Smalltalk released with source code...

Carl E Gundel-2
In reply to this post by Bill Schwab-2
In comp.lang.smalltalk Bill Schwab <[hidden email]> wrote:
: Chris,

: Your game reminds me a little of a _very_ additive game involving tanks.
: Basically, it crammed up to ten(??) tanks, taking turns firing; those not
: controlled by players were computer controlled, using various algorithms.
: The borders of the screen were at times elastic.  Some of the computer
: personalities were very good and very bad, respectively, at handling the
: rebounding walls.  Explosions had a way of erroding the ground =:0

I think that game was called Scorched Earth.  One also really cool feature
about this game was that earning points got you money, so between rounds
you could buy cool weapons for your tank.  Look out!  Boy, the good
old DOS days, eh?  ;-)

Wait! I've found a link, complete with screen shot!

 Carl Gundel  [hidden email]  Shoptalk Systems
 author of Liberty BASIC, twice a PC Magazine Awards Finalist!

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Re: Simple video game developed in Dolphin Smalltalk released with source code...

Germán S. Arduino
In reply to this post by Andy Bower
"Andy Bower" <[hidden email]> escribió en el mensaje
news:[hidden email]...
> Hey Chris,
> > I have developed a simple video game in Dolphin Smalltalk and have
> released
> > it with source code.  It is a very simple "tank shoots flying saucers"
> type
> > game.  It demonstrates one way to use objects to model this type of
> > The drawing is done on a DoubleBufferedView.  The download ZIP includes
> both
> > an EXE and a PAC.
> >
> > You can learn more about it here
> > .

Very interesting, also to learn! Thanks!.

> This is groovy. If nothing else it shows that a complete Smalltalk
> application (exe, graphics, sounds*and* source no less) can be distributed
> in a 600K package.

Yes! I full agree and think that is one of the strong points of Dolphin.


Germán S. Arduino

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Re: Simple video game developed in Dolphin Smalltalk released with source code...

Jay O'Connor
In reply to this post by Carl E Gundel-2
In article <b9sbm5$kbi$[hidden email]>, "Carl E Gundel"
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> In comp.lang.smalltalk Bill Schwab <[hidden email]> wrote: :
> Chris,
> : Your game reminds me a little of a _very_ additive game involving
> tanks. : Basically, it crammed up to ten(??) tanks, taking turns firing;
> those not : controlled by players were computer controlled, using
> various algorithms. : The borders of the screen were at times elastic.
> Some of the computer : personalities were very good and very bad,
> respectively, at handling the : rebounding walls.  Explosions had a way
> of erroding the ground =:0
> I think that game was called Scorched Earth.  One also really cool
> feature about this game was that earning points got you money, so
> between rounds you could buy cool weapons for your tank.  Look out!
> Boy, the good old DOS days, eh?  ;-)
> Wait! I've found a link, complete with screen shot!

I had that game!!!  I loved wife and I would compete.

Fun to choose a couple of tanks apiece...

Jay O'Connor

"God Himself plays the bass strings first,
when He tunes the soul"

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Re: Simple video game developed in Dolphin Smalltalk released with source code...

Christopher J. Demers
In reply to this post by Andy Bower
"Andy Bower" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> This is groovy. If nothing else it shows that a complete Smalltalk
> application (exe, graphics, sounds*and* source no less) can be distributed
> in a 600K package.

I am glad you like it.  Yes, I did appreciate the relatively small size.

> My only comment is regarding the "gameplay". I found that, after
> the first few saucers, I could sit my tank towards the LHS of the screen
> just hold down the space bar to get continuous firing which would kill new
> saucers as they entered and allow me the chance to get on with other work
> :-). Perhaps you need some sort of "overheat" on your gun that only allows
> it to launch a certain number of projectiles before waiting to recharge?
> Also I might like my missiles to be a different colour from those of the
> baddies?

Yes, I figured I would have to do something about the ease of shooting.  I
already limit the time between shots but I need to do more.  I was thinking
about a reload delay after so many shots or making the score something like
ships destroyed divided by shots fired.  I guess a hard limit is best as the
score concept may be too subtle.  I could also make the saucers come down
from random areas of the sky and gradually increase their pace as well to
make things more challenging.  Thanks for the suggestions.
