I've completed a port of Swazoo 1.1.4 and Sport.
This version of Swazoo is Based on the Sport compatibility layer, and is
ported directly from the main code stream on the Cincom VW Public
I don't have a hosting yet, so if you want the packages request them
to my private mail. Udo Schneider is setting up a host for me (thanks
Udo!) but it isn't available yet.
I have it available in STS Project Export XML format (.pex), and good
old .pac packages.
To load the .pac's you must first load Sport, and then Swazoo.
First load Sport in this order:
* VW Filenames.pac
* MD5.pac
* Sport
* Sport tests
Then load Swazoo in this order:
* Swazoo-Compatibility.pac
* Swazoo-Headers.pac
* Swazoo-Server.pac
* Swazoo-Resources.pac
* Swazoo-Examples.pac
* Swazoo-Tests.pac
Seaside, very beta, is coming, check
http://dolphinseaside.blogspot.com> for more news.