I was watching this great video about Doug Engelbart
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdFejSdS9fs and got inspired to write a little chord keyboard simulator :) It's just a proof-of-concept but was fun building!
## Warning
N.B. only load this in a throwaway image because it hijacks event handling and it's easy to get into trouble
## Installing:
Gofer it
smalltalkhubUser: 'SeanDeNigris' project: 'SeansPlayground';
package: 'ChordKeyboard';
CkChordKeyboard uniqueInstance enable.
## Help
"These next two commented lines are to get you out of trouble:
CkChordKeyboard uniqueInstance disable.
CkChordKeyboard reset.
## Usage
Smalltalk tools openWorkspace.
Now use your chord keyboard to type in the workspace...
Bit Key
5 a
4 s
3 d
2 f
1 space
So to type hi, type:
$s = 01000 = 8 = $h
$s + Character space = 01001 = 9 = $i