[ANN] Tracing Tool for Dolphin Smalltalk

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[ANN] Tracing Tool for Dolphin Smalltalk


A while ago I started  to work on a tool that allow me to trace
execution inside Dolphin.

The tools creates a log of the activation frames generated after a
block is evaluated, for example if you evaluate the following examples
on a workspace and you will get a tree representation of the execution
of that block:

[2+3 factorial] trace

[Transcript show: 'Hello!'.
[2+3 factorial]fork.
Transcript show: ' World!'; cr] trace

You can also want to see the tree:
TraceViewer showOn: ([Transcript show: 'Hello!'.
[2+3 factorial]fork.
Transcript show: ' World!'; cr] trace)

There are other examples the tool can trace...

If someone is interested in looking at this thing you can read a paper
I am writing about it
(http://netfiles.uiuc.edu/balaguer/www/tracer.pdf) I am not making the
tool public yet because someone told me that he had problems loading it
in an evaluation Dolphin Pro image . I developed it in a Standard
image. My hope is that he didn't patch his image...

Anyway, if you feel lucky enough you can try it:

I need to do some refactorings on it so don't worry if you see some
ugly code :-)

Comments are welcome, Thanks!

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Re: Tracing Tool for Dolphin Smalltalk

ChanHong Kim
Thank you for making good tools.
I have downloaded your paper and package.
I can learn many meta-level programming with yours.
