[ANN] VisualGST 0.8.1

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[ANN] VisualGST 0.8.1


I am happy to announce the new release of VisualGST 0.8.1
With the following changes:

- Tab switching for left paned is handled
- Set the default size for the left side bar.
- Paned closed in the right way
- Fix inspector widget
- Fix nil imageName value
- Fix popup menus
- Class file out
- Refactor selectAnInstanceMethod: and selectAClassMethod:
- Don't add root categories to namespace widget
- Speed up the browser only update the class hierarchy when it is displayed
- Use state for update
- Source ouput update

For the next release :

- "Ctrl+." shortcut to stop process
- PackageSource (generate dep and package.xml files)
- welcome screen
- UIBuilder and Formula builder.
- Refactor onFocusPerfom:
- one common superclass for


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