Thanks Torsten. This is a great write up.
I think there is real opportunity here, someone is introduced to one
thing new (a Pi), they are receptive to being introduced to a second
new thing (Pharo) at the same time. And often it will be an
individual decision that doesn't need to compete with corporate
doctrine to use Java or Microsoft - but once they are exposed, usage
may drift back into their corporate work.
Maybe the next book could be: Pi/BeagleBone + Pharo + PharROS +
Phratch + some accessories + a bit of electronics design.
btw, a small grammar correction...
> Now we want that the Pi starts this command
Now we want the Pi to start this command
cheers -ben
On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 4:47 AM, Torsten Bergmann <
[hidden email]> wrote: