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[ANN] humane assessment / moose courses

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[ANN] humane assessment / moose courses

Tudor Girba-2
7411 posts

Humane assessment is a method for making software engineering decisions. Assessing software systems to make decisions is a critical activity that needs to be approached explicitly during development. Humane assessment is made possible by the Moose analysis platform.

I am organizing a couple of courses in Bern that might be of interest to people on this list:

Humane Assessment Primer (August 17)
- This course is relevant for both managers and engineers. It covers assessment economics and the means to integrate humane assessment in the development process and in the organization
- http://www.humane-assessment.com/courses/humane-assessment-primer

Moose Apprentice (September 6-7)
- This course is relevant for engineers. This is an introductory hands-on course on using the Moose analysis platform for putting humane assessment into practice
- http://www.humane-assessment.com/courses/moose-apprentice

If you are interested in participating, please contact me directly.



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Re: [ANN] humane assessment / moose courses

HwaJong Oh
143 posts
Pity! I already fixed all my travel reservations.

HwaJong Oh

2012. 7. 22., 아침 5:46, Tudor Girba 작성:

> Hi,
> Humane assessment is a method for making software engineering decisions. Assessing software systems to make decisions is a critical activity that needs to be approached explicitly during development. Humane assessment is made possible by the Moose analysis platform.
> I am organizing a couple of courses in Bern that might be of interest to people on this list:
> Humane Assessment Primer (August 17)
> - This course is relevant for both managers and engineers. It covers assessment economics and the means to integrate humane assessment in the development process and in the organization
> - http://www.humane-assessment.com/courses/humane-assessment-primer
> Moose Apprentice (September 6-7)
> - This course is relevant for engineers. This is an introductory hands-on course on using the Moose analysis platform for putting humane assessment into practice
> - http://www.humane-assessment.com/courses/moose-apprentice
> If you are interested in participating, please contact me directly.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "In a world where everything is moving ever faster,
> one might have better chances to win by moving slower."
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