API docs as HTML

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API docs as HTML

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2

For the JOSS (Journal of Open Source Software) I need to add to a
package documentation the API documentation as an external file
(hopefully in HTML). So I would like to export the source code in a way
that can be used as API documentation. I remember that some API
documentation about Smalltalk/Pharo can be found online, but I don't
know how to produce such documents. Any pointers to explore?



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Re: API docs as HTML

this was the webdoc project (made originally by Camillo Bruni) 

but… you will need to massage it a bit to make it work :)
also, Guille made a simplification some time ago… he will know where it is or what’s his status.


On 9 Aug 2017, at 16:41, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:


For the JOSS (Journal of Open Source Software) I need to add to a
package documentation the API documentation as an external file
(hopefully in HTML). So I would like to export the source code in a way
that can be used as API documentation. I remember that some API
documentation about Smalltalk/Pharo can be found online, but I don't
know how to produce such documents. Any pointers to explore?



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Re: API docs as HTML

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2

Thanks Esteban,

Any documentation to start with? How can I install this?



On 09/08/17 10:08, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
this was the webdoc project (made originally by Camillo Bruni) 

but… you will need to massage it a bit to make it work :)
also, Guille made a simplification some time ago… he will know where it is or what’s his status.


On 9 Aug 2017, at 16:41, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:


For the JOSS (Journal of Open Source Software) I need to add to a
package documentation the API documentation as an external file
(hopefully in HTML). So I would like to export the source code in a way
that can be used as API documentation. I remember that some API
documentation about Smalltalk/Pharo can be found online, but I don't
know how to produce such documents. Any pointers to explore?

