Generating wrappers for the Microsoft WMI Scripting library fails for
some methods. (Note: the wizards doesn't show this, all interfaces get
a green check sign).
An example of a problem with double quotes in the method comment is:
Error: ISWbemLocator>>ConnectSer<snip> at line 6: invalid expression
ConnectServer: strServer strNamespace: strNamespace strUser: strUser
strPassword: strPassword strLocale: strLocale strAuthority:
strAuthority iSecurityFlags: iSecurityFlags objWbemNamedValueSet:
objWbemNamedValueSet objWbemServices: objWbemServices
"Private - Invoke the ConnectServer() method of the COM object.
Helpstring: 'Connect to a Namespace'
HRESULT __stdcall ConnectServer(
[in, defaultvalue(".")] BSTR strServer,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR strNamespace,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR strUser,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR strPassword,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR strLocale,
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR strAuthority,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] long iSecurityFlags,
[in, defaultvalue((null))] IDispatch* objWbemNamedValueSet,
[out, retval] ISWbemServices** objWbemServices);"
<virtual stdcall: hresult 8 bstr bstr bstr bstr bstr bstr sdword
IDispatch* ISWbemServices**>
^self invalidCall
Another example is with complex initialization:
Error: WbemISWbemLocator>>connectServer at line 13: undeclared 'an'
"Answer the <ISWbemServices> result of invoking the ConnectServer()
method of the COM object.
Default values are passed for all optional parameters."
connectServer: '.'
strNamespace: ''
strUser: ''
strPassword: ''
strLocale: ''
strAuthority: ''
iSecurityFlags: 0
objWbemNamedValueSet: an IDispatch(an ExternalAddress(NULL))