About Seaside 3.0

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About Seaside 3.0

Schwab,Wilhelm K

Responding in particular to "it's not some trivial thing to simply
reimplement and replace everything it can do for you out of the box" -
who said I wanted to do THAT?  If one wants the power of Apache, by all
means use Apache.  But for something that acts only as a front end to
configure and monitor something something else, it might make a lot of
sense to build something that can do it w/o installing and maintaining
something as powerful as Apache.


Ramon Leon ramon.leon at allresnet.com
Sun Jul 13 02:24:30 UTC 2008
Bill, a simple question, why do so many Smalltalker's insist on
the wheel?  Apache isn't just a web server, it's *the* platform of the
Internet and it's not some trivial thing to simply reimplement and
everything it can do for you out of the box.  Isn't it about time to
how to play nice with the outside world and stop insisting that every
piece of the tool chain be implemented in Smalltalk?  

Despite what you're implying, Apache is not that difficult to setup and
there's tons and tons stuff available for making it do anything you
As for setting it up with Seaside, you could easily find a dozen
working configurations prewritten with a trivial look through the
forums.  Yes, that stuff should be easier to find, possibly posted on
seaside.st site in a visible place.  With a prewritten config, setting
Apache probably takes less time than installing Seaside.  This is all it

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName yoursite.com
    DocumentRoot /var/www/yoursite.com
    RewriteEngine On
    ProxyRequests Off
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    UseCanonicalName Off
    RewriteRule ^/seaside/files(.*)$
    RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://localhost:3001/seaside/yoursite/$1 [P,L]

Is it really worth all that effort to avoid this tiny little config file
avoiding using one of the most solid, stable, and powerful tools
to you?

Ramon Leon

Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Department of Anesthesiology
PO Box 100254
Gainesville, FL 32610-0254

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RE: About Seaside 3.0

Ramon Leon-5
> Ramon,
> Responding in particular to "it's not some trivial thing to simply
> reimplement and replace everything it can do for you out of the box" -
> who said I wanted to do THAT?  If one wants the power of
> Apache, by all
> means use Apache.  But for something that acts only as a front end to
> configure and monitor something something else, it might make a lot of
> sense to build something that can do it w/o installing and maintaining
> something as powerful as Apache.
> Bill

I guess I can understand that desire, I just don't agree because it's based
on the assumption that "installing and maintaining something as powerful as
Apache" is some huge task to be avoided, but it's trivial and not worth any
effort to avoid.  Doing complex things with apache can be a bear, but doing
simple thing is simple.  I know what you want to do, I just feel your
resistance to Apache is more rooted in not wanting to leave Smalltalk or use
a tool that isn't already in your toolbox.

Ramon Leon

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